does my plant have mold??


im growing og kush and somoli lavender, and pure kush
my plants are gettin white fuzzy spots everywhere and i dont know what it is!! i was growin white widow and they had the white fuzzy spots too but i jus thought it was normal since the white widow plants turns white,i was thinkin maybe the white widow rubbed off on my prurple plants and the plants are breedin or something, i want to know if the white fuzzy spots are mold?? and can the white widow rub on to my purple plants???and how do i get rid of the white spots if its a bad thing???


shit cant just "rub off the white" you obviously have some type o fpowder mildew or mold...get some fungacide and spray that shit asap


Active Member
Powdery mildew ............ or better know as the growers clap. Is it on the leaves looking like white dust that can easily be brushed off? Unfortantily this is a disease inside the plant usually comes from other growers, such as clones. Powdery mildew lives in dark humid environments. If you allready have buds dont use pesticides or your bud will be full of it

Steps to get ride of it and prevent

Moving air in grow area
Clean up canapoy allowing light to get everywhere, cut infected leaves off
control humity must be under 40%
spay leaves with +8.0 ph water this will not allow the PM to grow or spread

When i had the problem the grow shop guy gave me some under the table PM remover had no idea what it was but worked