Does more weed = a healthier life?

Has nothing to do with the strain or harvest time. Sometimes your body just tells you to get it together and stop sitting around smoking weed all day. The fear of dying always goes away after reducing hit size, eating healthier and going out... for a few days or a week or so.

This sounds like a magnesium deficiency. Magnesuium def. Makes you feel scared and jittery. Smoking alot can lead to mag def in people.

My life is better with weed. I was able to cut all my pain pills and antidepressants. I also lost 30lbs and became healthy enough to exercise enough to avoid a hip surgery. If youre taking a ton of rx pills all the time youre gonna feel good until your body gets tired of matabolisizing all those pills. Then your gonna feel worse than shit and have even more problems than before.
It feels good to cough out the occasional black mucus every now and then its a nice cleanse probably disloging shit
and we all need Cotton mouth to drink more water don't we? Yeah larry og made me lay face down in bed for a month but my og has my energy and fuels my motivation, just don't burn the filter and clean the bong, what mo could be wong?
it helps me remember i am going to die lol so i should do something worth while, like put the joint down and hit it when im not trying to do something more important. crazy right?
I don't know a thing about smoking it. Infused oil definitely has health benefits.If you are young, you may not notice any difference. If you are old, the benefits are obvious. Take infused oil as a supplement and it makes a difference. It cures so many things it would be hard to list them all. I suspect it is a cancer preventative.
Vaporize if you want to remove the harmful smoking effects/byproducts. You can vaporize through a bong, and rip massive clouds, if that's your thing, or you can take light wispy sips if you prefer. There's a vaporizer for everyone. the cheap e-cig style pens give vaporizing a bad image.
Edibles/tinctures are still probably the healthiest way to consume cannabis, though.