Does more weed = a healthier life?


Well-Known Member
I noticed that my life is healthier and that I'm functioning much better now than before I started smoking a few years ago. I've been smoking a gram a day for a while now and dont get as much outerspacey from the same amount as I used to but I sure feel outerspace 24/7 sorta like hppd for weed which I enjoy. However I wonder if it seems as if cannabis helps your body heal yourself, than what would happen if I suddenly was able to smoke a whole ounce a day being so used to 1 gram/day, I wonder if I'd trip out psychedlically like it's my first time again and actually feels like a 'trip' and that I could heal to a more noticeable degree? I'm honestly dieing to remember how absolutely blazed I'd get on such a little bit and how I still only smoke about a gram a day, can hardly wait for the days soon i get an 8th allowance. I seriously had significantly improved with my nerve symptoms and so many other things on a tiny bit, gunna find me a trap so I can finally nap
I'm far less productive the higher I get. Reason why I only smoke at night. Sorry but you are only going to get bias answers asking that question on a pot forum. No matter what anyone's 'study' says the fact remains that marijuana effects everyone differently. Rarely is a stoner's study is going to say it makes them less productive. You get an anti pot guy you can surely bet their study will say the opposite almost every time. Sometimes our subconscious misleads us. If it works for you and you have talked it over with your doctor, then maybe you should keep doing it. The best way to get the highest though is to have a low tolerance and a high dose of some properly made edibles. If I quit for days then eat a lot of strong edibles I get beyond fucked up out of my mind to the point where I am completely impaired. If you're smoking an ounce a day you are just going to ruin your lungs. Good luck!
It certainly fills my days with joy!
But for full disclosure, there are indeed health risks and harms according to scientific studies.
Check out Youtuber 'c0nc0rdance', he made a few good cannabis videos.
I find him credible, I've double checked that he was accurately representing (a few of) the papers he cites, and, he used to write for New Scientist magazine, which I love.
Yes weed makes you healthier. Cannabinoids keep your brains endocanabinoid system in balance

Cannabis has fat soluble antioxidants, vitamin a, vitamin e, and cbc (cannabichromene ) in pot also promotes brain cell growth. So pot does not in any way kill brain cells. We were lied to all those years.

Plus all the benefits of all the other cannabinoids, thc, thca, thcv , cbn, cbg, cbd.

If you eat cannabis flowers or seeds it's high in fiber and protein.
I would have to say smoking weed.... not a chance. Medicated forms of cannabis, such as edibles, liquids etc... possibly.
I noticed that my life is healthier and that I'm functioning much better now than before I started smoking a few years ago. I've been smoking a gram a day for a while now and dont get as much outerspacey from the same amount as I used to but I sure feel outerspace 24/7 sorta like hppd for weed which I enjoy.

That 24/7 feel is what alot of people dont like, stemming from a long half life/terminal half life..i cant smoke alot when im working, my work is mental for the most part and i really notice a difference. It makes you sluggish and almost in a dream. Then when you quit, bein sober almost feels like a high
Each of these concepts could be talked about in depth though

Im gonna take your quote and interject as thoughts pop, i wonder if this is due to the blunt i just smoked...
A gram a day...not much, but if your in a pipe i imagine you get 3-4 smokes off that..if its good.
Ive always thought i was fairly unbiased on the subject, im always in the medical sections and seem to make some people angry on occasion. I love weed, thats how i found riu.. does it make for a healthier life? It can, i know excessive use can cause delusional thoughts, maybe grandeur or schizo like effects. As well other effects.. This may only be noticeable to a spouse or someone really watching you im not saying its debilitating.
The cannabinoids themselves are antioxidants in your brain and kinda what hyroot was trying to say, cocaine is also a neuroprotectant..
of course there can be benefit,
At the same time. From a medical perspective, notice how i said it can...that will set the theme for most of my medical posts. Its rare to see something black and white in this industry at least

it does alter heart rate, blood sugar, blood flow to extremities, ion blocking properties and vision as well as other inherent affects, alters hormones, and altering a system in your brain has ever only been beneficial if "off" to begin with. Look into sigma 1, 5ht2a, serotonin in general, dopamine, gabba,nmda cb1,2,"3""4" etc.. we know it hits these sites and more, we know what these sites do when hit. Many organs are affected say your liver
Etc etc
However you imply you werent functioning well beforehand, requires further looks.
You could see how it may not be beneficial for certain people. Or possibly people whobare poor metabolizers, have altered receptor density due to disease mental or simple flu..And we really cant say how playing with this system over time affects you.
I dont wanna hear "people have been smoking it forever" yea thats great. But you really think large populations of wide ethnicity have been smoking grams of dank a day consistently? And if so could really understand the long term effects?

However I wonder if it seems as if cannabis helps your body heal yourself, than what would happen if I suddenly was able to smoke a whole ounce a day being so used to 1 gram/day, I wonder if I'd trip out psychedlically like it's my first time again and actually feels like a 'trip' and that I could heal to a more noticeable degree?

Cannabis really doesnt heal your body like your thinking,
And the trip would come from receptor activation which could inherently cause beneficial medical side effect. But these are more like reduced depression. When what you describe is occurring seizure threshold is reduced, theres alot of excitement in your brain and is really the danger zone if there was one as well as perhaps anxiety etc. And When a patient with say heart palpitations may want to slow down.

In general the lowest dose you can take should be taken, as with any drug

Also the have to understand a little about the drug. Thc has relatively similar binding affinities to cb1 and cb2 sure it hits 5ht gabba opiate receptors etc. Cbd is more like an antagonist at cb sites but really just takes up space than being an doesnt cause opposite effect with most side effect, and is an agonist at other sites i mentioned.

The psychedelia,like music tripping you out or dodging objects on your tv, even just some effects like spinning when you close your eyes, loosing balance etc
only occurs in new users. Some you can still get especially when combined with other substances say alcohol or dxm and to a degree...
once you gain a tolerance, pop site density lowers to a level where thc- a partial agonist can take up more space reducing than it activates causing antagonism instead of agonism-biphasic...essentially . in new users it can act like the much more potent full agonist jwh018 we are familiar with. but even after prolonged tolerance break, this site density does not return to complete baseline. But you can get uncomfortably high sure lol. And cbd competes. Ever heard the phrase smoking yourself sober?

I'm honestly dieing to remember how absolutely blazed I'd get on such a little bit and how I still only smoke about a gram a day, can hardly wait for the days soon i get an 8th allowance

Youll get higher..but as i was saying, a weed "coma" may be in your future, but probly not a trip.

. I seriously had significantly improved with my nerve symptoms and so many other things on a tiny bit, gunna find me a trap so I can finally nap
Be careful with "nerve symptoms" and thc. Idk what you meant but whether anxiety or nervous pain it can be detrimental especially in low tolerance patients or those who jump dosage. That thc will kick again, these bi and triphasic properties make cannabis difficult to use effectively in a traditional medical setting
I simply couldn't smoke more than a couple hits after surgeries and nerve damage
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I would have to say it depends on whether the person needs the Cannabis because of a serious illness or not. Cannabis most certainly improves the lives of those who have a chronic illness, smoking or not, obviously vaping is still the safest whether your sick or healthy. (edibles are very safe also.) A lot of times eating Cannabis is necessary to fight off cancer.

For a perfectly healthy human with very few issues, I'd say just try and keep a balanced amount of usage of Cannabis, not too little, not too much. Obviously overuse of anything can be harmful, it's up to the individual to find the right dose that keeps them happy and in balance with life.

But for some people, taking a break from cannabis might not be an option, Cannabis might be making such a large difference to their lives and with helping the cope with the daily struggles they face, then there is no break, just a constant need for medicine and to feel better, and Cannabis fills that need and void. There's days when you'll want take it easy, but if your suffering a bud or two a day with beat anything any doctor could ever prescribe you, so yeah I'd say it's good for everyone and especially those who are sick/suffering to help them live healthier more enjoyable lives. It's one of the most miraculous healing plants on earth if you didn't know.
I can honestly say that we wouldn't be as healthy as we are today without cannabis. Eating it and vaporizing it all day everyday has brought us out of depression and made us aware of our lifestyle habits. It has inspired me and motivated me to get active and eat better after being sick for multiple years. Before I would lay about the house, now one of my favorite things to do is getting super stoned and do calisthenics, super fun to play on that bar while medicated:bigjoint:
Weed makes you healthier indeed. However, don't smoke it. Use in a healthy way, vape, use edibles, topicals, etc. I have used for 2 years and still feel I'm improving because of it. Marijuana typically kickstarts the body's natural healing centers in the brain. Weed works well because it is a partial agonist meaning it only helps the body get started but doesn't do all the work.

Terpenoids such as limonene increase acetylcholine activity This mechanism is shared by tacrine, a drug used for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Other terpenoids have the same effects as some drugs such as valium and prozac, meaning we can get rid of these. Marijuana is also used to help with multiple sclerosis, Huntington s disease, parkinson's, seizures, and curing cancer as was the case with Angel Raich.

Medical marijuana is legit and has a plethora of benefits. Forgot to mention neurogenesis. Marijuana actually increases neuron production in the hippocampus and strengthens cellular subunits of the brain.....fuck Science Imout lol
I feel like my lungs aught to look like my first pipe i ever owned - if i still had it and never stopped using it. I switched to coconut oil with cannabis concentrate added to it, in capsules from joe the trader's store. I just put more wax and now one pill is an effective dose. My plan is to only smoke when some super fire is in the pipe, and only special occasions. 5-7 pills a day keeps me properly medicated.
Smoking is fun and original but not profitable IMO
Weed messes you up. I'm on a break myself, felt like I was going to die every time I took a hit, even if I didn't get properly high.
This is where im at currently too
Let your weed ripen longer before you cut. Or if you are buying try to find someone that is not cutting early.

Early cut pot has all kinds of weird side effects.

I actually function better when I smoke.
It has allowed me a better quality of life compared to opiates.
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