Does Mighty Wash only work on Spider Mites?

Well-Known Member
Everywhere I read it says, kill spider mites with mighty wash. No where does it say it is for all mites, including red spider mites, clover mites, and regular plant mites.

Does anyone have any experience using it with other mite species, primarily the larger ones?

I've been seeing these very large bright red things that look like a spider mite if you looked at it with a 100x scope. You can see them easily if you are looking at your plant and it moves, it is very noticeable. I have identified them as clover mites and they like to come in windows and go into warm places. Two of the plants, mainly the plant I am seeing them on, has reddish yellow spots on the lower leaves that almost look like late calcium deficiency. I know I do not have any deficiency because I always add micro nutrients plus CaMg+. I run a perfect PH of 6.5 in soil and my water is distilled and ph'd to 6.5 after I add nutrients. There is no way it is a nutrient deficiency.

So does anyone know about mighty wash. I have azatrol but I am in flowering and dont want that on my plants because it says it has a low toxicity to humans. I would like something that is non toxic, and has NO chemicals in it. You can literally drink mighty wash, the guy at the hydroshop did it, but he didnt know if it worked on spider mites. I purchased it anyways and am waiting to see another so I can try it. Luckily he said I could bring it back if it didn't work. He just told me not to use a lot.

Will give rep for a good answer. :D Thanks.


Well-Known Member
ive had some bottles of it work, and others that didnt.
may or may not work on other pests. doesnt hurt to try if u can return it


Well-Known Member
the way to get rid of mites that i will now forever use as long as no one ever shows me a better way, is to take a 1/3 rubbing alcohol water mix and paint it onto the affected leaves. alternatively if not in flowering you can just spray the whole plant down. either way you wait like 5 ten mins and then spray the plant down with water to wash off the solution..this never harmed my plants at all although i wouldnt advise spraying your buds..cant be good..knowing some basic facts about mites can greatly help you in eradicating them as well..such as mites will not reproduce in wet climates nor do they like low temperatures, also female mites will lay eggs whether they mate or not and those eggs will always be your goal is to eliminate the female mites! so again the alcohol mix, plus keeping your plants nice and wet by misting while taking care to not have a high humidity and mold, plus dropping temps if possible will cause the mites to die off over a few week period..the infected plants i treated this way never wound up having any mites in the bud itself. they were pretty much stopped the population was severely dropped and then i harvested and cleaned well, hit my veg plants one more time with the alcohol and havent seen a mite since....i also cant stress enough how much it helps to be simply squishing those bastards! attack on all fronts and you will win lol. oh and i did the alcohol treatment about twice a week and misted idk once every couple hours, i had a nice dry grow room so this was no problem for me.

Well-Known Member
the way to get rid of mites that i will now forever use as long as no one ever shows me a better way, is to take a 1/3 rubbing alcohol water mix and paint it onto the affected leaves. alternatively if not in flowering you can just spray the whole plant down. either way you wait like 5 ten mins and then spray the plant down with water to wash off the solution..this never harmed my plants at all although i wouldnt advise spraying your buds..cant be good..knowing some basic facts about mites can greatly help you in eradicating them as well..such as mites will not reproduce in wet climates nor do they like low temperatures, also female mites will lay eggs whether they mate or not and those eggs will always be your goal is to eliminate the female mites! so again the alcohol mix, plus keeping your plants nice and wet by misting while taking care to not have a high humidity and mold, plus dropping temps if possible will cause the mites to die off over a few week period..the infected plants i treated this way never wound up having any mites in the bud itself. they were pretty much stopped the population was severely dropped and then i harvested and cleaned well, hit my veg plants one more time with the alcohol and havent seen a mite since....i also cant stress enough how much it helps to be simply squishing those bastards! attack on all fronts and you will win lol. oh and i did the alcohol treatment about twice a week and misted idk once every couple hours, i had a nice dry grow room so this was no problem for me.
Rubbing alcohol would strip trichomes off my leaves and buds and how could they all be males????? That would mean the females have to live forever...? Idk how true that is but I will take your word for it.

Also VLIIFY, the reason why some didnt work is probably because it expires VERY quickly. Hydroshops and online company's will still sell you expired bottle on accident/on purpose. Which is why you need to check before opening.

Thank you everyone for the responses.


Well-Known Member
if you catch them before they are in your buds as i did you may lose a few trichs off your sugar leaf ya but thats a small price to pay to get rid of mites and i really honestly didnt notice any lost trichs. took a sugar leaf and detached it sprayed it liberally with the mixture and still crystally as all hell when i was done rinsing it..i wont deny a large part of getting rid of them is smashing em and killing your fan (because this is how they jump plants) and creating a nice misty environment, so maybe using another thing in conjunction works just as well. what i meant to say if i didnt write it right was that females that arent fertilized by a male will still lay eggs that hatch a new mite but mites born this way will always be male.