does marijuana change the way you think


Well-Known Member
Wondering if anyone experience the same, since i started smoking, i completely changed the way i think.
I realized how ignorant i was and how easily i believed the info people told me without actually process them on my own.
Kinda think the whole world runs around "profit" and really not that many people care about "humanity"... most just care about money... teachers are like this... politicians for sure... and even university profesors, the most educated ones.
Does anyone experience the same that marijuana opened the dark side of this world to you?

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Teachers are in it for the money? Are we talking public schools? If they're in it for the money, they REALLY chose the wrong profession...

teachers get paid 80k each year with all holidays plus summer and the work is light as fuck, also they are only bachelor grads... i dont know any bachelor grads get better jobs than becoming a teacher

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The ability to think on new tangents and question established reality is what makes marijuana a wonder of nature. I like to think those who have experienced mj are less likely to be greedy, biased and judgmental of others (that said, blindly calling all teachers and college professors shallow people isn't what we're looking for, but I get your point that lots of people are materialistic and selfish, no need to stereotype).
So this quality of enlightenment is something to strive for. Where you don't want to go with mj is a place where you are using it to ignore reality - we want to enhance our experience, not escape it or narrow our consciousness.
My ex wife had her masters and made 90k, in NYC, this was 15 years ago. She's a principal now and making well over 100k.

buddy, a principal in NYC make more than 100k, i m in vancouver and the principals get paid from 100k+150k depending on seniorty but man she gotta be earning more than that, plus all the benifits she get it's just so unreal, compared to how much work they actually do.
The ability to think on new tangents and question established reality is what makes marijuana a wonder of nature. I like to think those who have experienced mj are less likely to be greedy, biased and judgmental of others (that said, blindly calling all teachers and college professors shallow people isn't what we're looking for, but I get your point that lots of people are materialistic and selfish, no need to stereotype).
So this quality of enlightenment is something to strive for. Where you don't want to go with mj is a place where you are using it to ignore reality - we want to enhance our experience, not escape it or narrow our consciousness.

yes yes this is excatly what i am aiming for. and no i am not saying all teachers and professors are shallow, a lot of them are very educated and passionate about making the next generation equipped with knowledge, no stereotype at all!
not teachers around here

my sister teaches special ed, and only makes about $50k a year, single mother and all.. teachers here for the most part don't make poo poo imvho..

and to the op, yes, of course cannabis changes the way we think, other wise, what would be the point in smoking it imo. .:D
not teachers around here
yea it varies quite a bit from place to place but if you compare their income with the amount of work they do, it's good enough is it not? not saying all teachers are lazy people just doing it for the money but at least one teacher in every school, just sit there everyday, doing the same stuff over years and giving no fuck to what the students are learning. I used to have this one teacher, eatting popcorn every day during class, puts on some notes from probly years ago on overhead, and then go back to his desk to watch movies, i believe it was math 11 and i positively learned nothing and got an A.
The ability to think on new tangents and question established reality is what makes marijuana a wonder of nature. I like to think those who have experienced mj are less likely to be greedy, biased and judgmental of others (that said, blindly calling all teachers and college professors shallow people isn't what we're looking for, but I get your point that lots of people are materialistic and selfish, no need to stereotype).
So this quality of enlightenment is something to strive for. Where you don't want to go with mj is a place where you are using it to ignore reality - we want to enhance our experience, not escape it or narrow our consciousness.

oh yea and pewwww.... what a relief to know i m not the only one being like this... i did feel i was a little drawn away from reality and now i think i m ok :)
I find myself much more bearable to be around. lol
i find that helpful.
Seems like a good thing.
Also, I find the foolishness (especially the greed and stupidity) much less infuriating.
Personally, i think that some want it illegal as people will be content with less (less demand=less money for many bigshots)
yea it varies quite a bit from place to place but if you compare their income with the amount of work they do, it's good enough is it not? not saying all teachers are lazy people just doing it for the money but at least one teacher in every school, just sit there everyday, doing the same stuff over years and giving no fuck to what the students are learning. I used to have this one teacher, eatting popcorn every day during class, puts on some notes from probly years ago on overhead, and then go back to his desk to watch movies, i believe it was math 11 and i positively learned nothing and got an A.

can't the same thing be said for pretty much any profession?? there's always going to be a slacker no matter what job you work ime.. i'd not lump all teachers into the same category just because of one bad apple..

one good teacher can make a huge difference in a kid's life ime.. i had a science teacher in the 7th grade who saw something in me i didn't see myself, and he had a huge influence in my academic career after that point.. still remember and think of him all of the time..
my wife or rather soon to be ex is a teacher at this fancy private school. pay is shit, I make about 160 and work from 6-1, she only makes about 50 too and works from 6-7.she does it for the kids, loves each one.
I can tell who in my life has been a stoner the entire time. I see a lot more, think a lot more. Always moving physically or while couch locked my brain is running circles. BUT I'm mentally diagnosed with fun illness so it actually settles my moods a lot. I don't take things so seriously and I can open up around people where normally I don't. So yes, it does change the way I think a lot.
How much teachers get paid — state by state
How much do teachers across the United States get paid?

Here is data, state by state, collected from the National Center for Education Statistics by Jon Boeckenstedt, associate vice president at DePaul University in Chicago. The data are for 2013 and represent the estimated average annual salary of teachers in public elementary and secondary schools. Boeckensted’s original map, here on the Higher Ed Data Stories blog, has information for earlier years, as well. You can find the NCES original data here.
How much teachers get paid — state by state
How much do teachers across the United States get paid?

Here is data, state by state, collected from the National Center for Education Statistics by Jon Boeckenstedt, associate vice president at DePaul University in Chicago. The data are for 2013 and represent the estimated average annual salary of teachers in public elementary and secondary schools. Boeckensted’s original map, here on the Higher Ed Data Stories blog, has information for earlier years, as well. You can find the NCES original data here.
still not bad, you see most of em are over 45k, and this is an average which takes elementry into consideration. I think highschool teachers get paid more.
anywhat these lvs of pays is reall good imo for what amount of effort being put and how much benefits and holidays teachers get :D
I know if you're going to be doing something that is very difficult slow down on the weed until the task(s) become routine.
Mj without doubt lowers your IQ score. Straight for a week I can score up to 139 on any given IQ test. Stoned on weed which I usually am puts me in the same standing as George W Bush.
In Canada, you need a teaching degree that you need to obtain AFTER you get your bachelor of arts. It's another 2 years.....

A lot of teachers don't do it fore the money, they do it for the time off....