Does Light REALLY hurt your plants roots?

It isnt that light hurts the roots..drying out in air will kill your roots, you are supposed to keep the roots in the dark because of algae growth in your wet root type medium..and then your roots aren't getting enough oxygen because the algae is taking the oxygen and nutrients for itself. So no light doesn't hurt the roots, air hurts the roots, light just facilitates opposing growth on the roots.
I'm not I misunderstood what you said there? . Air is a must for roots.!.. I've run open water systems for years never had any problem.. If you don't oxygenate your water when light is present.. Thats when you get problems.. Still water increases pH.. Allows heat and causes algae formation which fights for the same oxygen as the roots require.. Roots open to full light in moving or Well oxygenated water will thrive with no ill affects at all.. Its a complete myth..
Ok, may be but then try to explain why the same batch of seeds sitting on the same window seal germinating with hydrogen peroxide mixed with simple water like crazy but it has not worked with just the same water without hydrogen peroxide?

The temperature on a window seal at night is about +15 but it again does not seem to be relevant as it has not affected germination using H2O2.

I can only explain it the following way: all my current seeds came from my buds and are covered with a lot of oil, I did not even care to store them properly for 6 months as there were inside buds in a clear plastic container.
They also have thin layer of casing(pouch) on top of their shells. Without hydrogen peroxide water cannot get break this casing and oil layers sitting on top of a seed shell so there is no water coming inside for it to grow and crack its shell. H2O2 though breaks this pouch and penetrates/breaks oil layers.
It is not even may explanation. This was explained in some video on youtube for old bag seeds.

Now with my successful experiment as for right now I have about 20 seeds germinated with three different methods that all have h2o2 mixed with water.

UPDATE: Actually I have about 30-35 geminated in a cup of water and in a zip bag with perlite altogether. In fact so far I can see only five that have not germinated.
Hydrogen peroxide is little used.. But the best thing you can have in your nutrient box..
OK, I want to dicuss this. Please guys, no trolling. Thanx for the reply missnu! To me, this sort of "disproves" the fact that roots staying wet will cause problems, and I would THINK that alga growth would be rampant here, and it's not, remember, this is just tap water. Now obviously it isn't cannabis, but roots are roots. I've seen many people say that white or clear pots are bad for or will kill roots. Thats what I'm trying to dispel here. YOu don't REALLY need black pots. Roots are supposed to dry out a bit and not stay wet, but here they are obviously vigorous.
I've had similar results. I grow on total open water so I can see all my roots all the time so can my lights..but i have used clear tubs before as experiments on a closed system and it was rammed with algae in a month.. And as we know that will destroy your roots.. I would assume the plant is ok where it is for the main reasons. Little heat and an open top.. Clear containers won't kill your roots heat and algae will.. Definately.. I also use hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to keep my roots snowy white all the time and absolutely no agae. So i will be adding them to my closed water system all the time in future.. And i beleive you could use clear containers.. But why would you?. When you can simply just use black and be sure of having no problems?
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