Does light leaking OUT of the cabinet Necessarily mean there is light leaking In?


New Member
i covered the exhaust and intake holes with cardboard and there is no light leaking out except for a reflection.

i used insulated reflective material and basically all of the seems are covered and you cannot see in the cabinet, but you can see light seeping out the edges a little.

is this fine? or do i need to work on my light leakage issue?

i figured that as long as there are no direct entry points for the light there would be very minimal light in the box... almost even like a moon effect.

or am i mistaken?


Active Member
Always, don't freak out to much i would have to say if its in a closet with a little light your fine.


New Member
Always, don't freak out to much i would have to say if its in a closet with a little light your fine.
yeah thanks for mentioning that too; im just going to make the intake manifold (haha carboard) longer to the floor to decrease light more, and tape the the edges up just a little more to decrease the light some more -- just minimize the light that's escaping more and just not worry if there is a little light seeping out; maybe it will be a moon affect.