Does home made co2 work

Yes it works. But only under the right conditions. It must be just above the plants, and the room must be semi- sealed. Damp towl under the doorway should work well.
I would love to see 2 plants grown exactly under the same conditions.. except one of the plants gets the sugar and yeast C02 treatment...

POT ROAST, will you run that experiment and please report to the CREW...

thank you

and Iloveyou
Well what i do is this....

I've got two small poland spring bottles (11oz each)

I fill close to half way (1/3) With hot ass water from the tap

I fill by my eye some sugar (at least a noticable layer on the bottom)

Shake the hell out of em

Oh yea I poke a hole in each cap (about a pen wide)

So then the sugar is disolved and I pour half a packet of yeast in each

I then will squeeze the bottles frequently at least a couple times during the light around the plants...Oh and becareful not to spray the light bulbs or else they will shatter and that is not good

Later on I will start to shake the bottles (with my finger over the hole) and then slowly let my finger off and point to air at the plants....

This will last one bottle this way lasts about 3 days...

I f you dont shake it around frequently youll come back to find it all spewed from the cap and making a mess so be careful on how much you use...

Not sure if this has helped the plants in away but I do it out of love.....Awwww

propane works but i use a home made 5 gal co2 bucket
made with 2/3 cold watter and yeast then i boil in
a 10lb bag of sugar in the other 1/3 of the watter
make sure all the sugar is dissolved then pore all together
cap and run a fish tank hose from your bucket and hang above
plants , it should bubble for a good two weeks.



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i heard if you occasionally crack open the little co2 cartriges and push them into the dirt a little if will help the plant out a little does anyone know if this is true?
i heard if you occasionally crack open the little co2 cartriges and push them into the dirt a little if will help the plant out a little does anyone know if this is true?

I highly doubt that would be effective, seems to me like it would just be a waste of cash.

I've been reading into using co2 as I'm very interested and will be using it shortly.

The whole idea behind co2 seems to be upping your rate of photosynthesis by increasing your temperatures to ~90*f and increasing the co2 ppm to a steady amount (typically 1500ish) in a sealed room. I have read that having varying ppms will cause the plants not to take advantage of the co2 in their surroundings.

Ideal growing conditions with co2 are three elements that need to be monitored strictly, humidity, temps, and co2 level.
Farting is co2.... eat a bunch of beans and drop a bunch of bombs in ur room that is some serious man made co2 and cheap too!!!!!!!!
Dont waste your money on shortcuts... invest in a co2 tank and regulator and do it the right way. If you cannot accurately measure Co2 in the room then how would you know if its working or not?
1 gal jug, luke warm water, you dont want HOT water it will kill the yeast.

add 1 cup sugar and fill gal jug 1/2 way with WARM water....shake..

poke a hole in the cap of the jug, run a aquarium line up behind your circulating fan......

this isnt going to give you crazy amounts of Co2 but it will let off some and it will give you more than what you previously had which is better than before right?

if you want to measure the levels of Co2 you will need to get a tank, regualtor and a unit that measures the Co2 lvl and releases when it gets below your desired level...this is some $$$ though.

they have a few cheaper Co2 generators on amazon that come in the form of a pad that you hang up and mist...not sure if that interests you or not
Dont waste your money on shortcuts... invest in a co2 tank and regulator and do it the right way. If you cannot accurately measure Co2 in the room then how would you know if its working or not?

just a small update, i was having a issue in my veg tent with extremely slow growth. i ruled out most things and came to the conclusion that it may be a lack of Co2.

I went ahead and mixed up the DIY i explained above and within 3 days i saw fantastic results. My plants are growing 3x faster now. i dont have a meter but i know its working. they went almost 2 weeks with little to no growth and i put the Co2 in and they exploded. so i dont think i need a meter to tell if its working, simple observation is telling me that its doing its job.