Does having other random plants near by Help my girl?

This may sound like a kind of weird question but does having other plants or a plant next to where my Mary Jane is growing help her to grow? I mean I have a nice basil herb plant in a pot next to where I grow mary and was just thinking maybe there might be something from other plants that helps each other grow. Maybe plants already living release something that helps mary. Oxygen co2 whatever that may be can some one let me know?

Ah, ok they are in seperate posts so really there will be no benefits? Would you reccomend planting MJ in the same pot as a basil plant? Would basil not just make my final weed product polluted and tingy and make my basil weird?

Thanks for the information this forum rocks.


Well-Known Member
good on you

Yes, there is far more to plants than most realize

Suggested reading- The Secret Life of Plants


Well-Known Member
outdoor plants are grown with companion plants often to help with pests
sunflowers and garlic are popular for this

i guess again outdoors, you could plant certain plants that would attract other creatures
the other creatures when eating the companion plant would drop bits of fruit foliage in the ground and also maybe take a shit
near your plants, over time this would help to add some nutrients to the soil

i hear that in the 3rd world where they do not use any kind of fertilizer at all, rather than using any other plants to help
they burn wood to get charcoal
they mix and bury the charcoal in the soil this gives the soil some aeration and releases some nutrients too



Active Member
ok 90% of the answers in here dont make sense or are just completely false, but to op, i wouldnt grow any plants with my indoor plants just for fear of the bugs and molds/parasites that might be introduced into the room.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Well, I have a few baby venus fly traps in my tent and veg area to help catch bugs, and my potted outdoor lemon basil plants attract ladybugs, so I'll periodically bring in one or two of those if they have ladybugs on them, then recycle them with new ones every once in a while, so in a sense they do help but perhaps not in a way you were looking for :)



Well-Known Member
Spec if you want to trap flies put equal parts apple cider vinegar and water in a glass with a bit of dish soap to break the surface tension. It will catch em and drown them quickly.