Does God Have a Future?


Well-Known Member
This is great! Nightline debate with Sam Harris and Michael Shermer v. Deepak Chopra and Jean Houston, enjoy!




Well-Known Member
Again... kickass thread.

Only just finished watching it now..

The 5th part/vid. owns!

Sam & Micheal fucking owned. lol

just all around ownage


Well-Known Member
You notice the religious proponents would go off onto something they had no knowledge of, like theoretical physics, then Sam and Michael had to smack them down each time?! I thought that was hilarious! That's the same shit that they all do. Sam and Michael sit there saying "yeah, we're not physicists... we don't know shit about physics" meanwhile the other two bring it up to support their position - shit just shows how ignorant they are...

That lady kinda pissed me off, she was essentially useless to this debate, she just kept bringing up retarded stories that don't have any bearing on the debate... it was almost like watching Miss Cleo or some astrologist talk...

I really wanna see the BEST OF THE BEST that the creationists have to offer go against the BEST OF THE BEST the atheist side has to offer - I think Harris and Dawkins would be an unbeatable combination - Harris with the psychological expertise and Dawkins filling in the blanks in science.


I watched all these the other night. It was a fantastic use my evening. Deepak clearly doesn't give a fuck about YOUR point of view, as he's all about HIS.

And it amuses me how these new-age spiritualist types were brought in to discuss the future of God. Because their views about "God" are so vague as to remove all meaning and connection to the actual idea of God. Sam made the distinction in the very beginning between God as he is actually defined by mainstream society and God as Deepak and Jean choose to display him/her/it. God is defined as a BEING -- that is: a living thing that can act independently. By using God as the name for their mystical forces, Deepak and Jean are showing a real intellectual dishonesty, IMHO.

These spiritualists really should have had no place in a discussion on the future of God. Their perspective on things certainly added to the discussion, but not in the direction of: "The Future of God". Perhaps a better title would have been: "The Future of Religion" or "The Future of Spirituality" as that was the real direction the discussion took.