does flushing cause stress?


Well-Known Member
your leaves may droop after a flush but i dont think it should stress your plant too bad.


Well-Known Member
it depends on the health of your girls before the flush. If they never had any nute problems/lockouts/burns or ph problems-basically the leaves are nice and green and lowers yellowing slightly-than you probably will not stress it oo much.

on the other hand, if you have had any of the above problems and her leaves look like shit than yeah, it will stress her and depending on how bad she is could die within days.
speaking from 1st hand knowledge for both.
post some pics of the fat bitch


Well-Known Member
I'll put this simply:

No, flushing does not stress your plants.

Cannabis is an annual plant, which means once it has flowered it naturally dies (there are ways around this in an artificial environment however), but in nature an annual flowers then dies.

Flushing may turn leaves yellow and they drop off (cause the plant uses nutrients from its leaves because they're no longer available from the soil), this is not a bad thing, a plant in it's final stages of flowering is concentrating it's growth on flower production, not vegetative growth.

You won't harm your plants by flushing. And especially if you're using chemical nutrients (as appose to organic nutrients) then I'd highly recommend flushing. If you're using organics, then it's not so important, but I'd personally still recommend it.

Hope this helps you a bit mate.


Well-Known Member
lets see if I got this straight...if your plant has had ph issues, nute lockouts, nuteburn ect, and most of your fans are already yellowed and basically fried up like so so many I have seen here on RIU, than your plant would suffer no stress even though it has no leaves to take from for reserves to finish it's life cycle? and a plant in flowering concentrating on bud growth needs no nutes at all?
seems unlikely.
In the event this is not the case, than I agree.


Well-Known Member
lets see if I got this straight...if your plant has had ph issues, nute lockouts, nuteburn ect, and most of your fans are already yellowed and basically fried up like so so many I have seen here on RIU, than your plant would suffer no stress even though it has no leaves to take from for reserves to finish it's life cycle? and a plant in flowering concentrating on bud growth needs no nutes at all?
seems unlikely.
In the event this is not the case, than I agree.
I think you need to do some research on flushing mate.

But if your plant was that fucked before the flush than it wouldn't matter if you flush coz your plant would already be stressed anyway, the flush would however still remove the chemical salt build up meaning that your bud would be better/'healthier' to smoke.

And if your plants are fucked enough that flushing causes them to actually die, then please, stop growing, do your research and learn about what you're doing before starting to grow any plants again.


Well-Known Member
oh, yes sir mr. greenpheonix. I will stop growing b/c you said so. what is with the aussie wannabe knowitall a-holes on this site?


Well-Known Member
ok thanks for all help. the problem im having is-
the bottom set of fan leaves turned yellow and then it started working its way up and then started onto smaller younger leaves. also the leaves had small brown spots and the tips were brown and dying. so i figured i had nute lockout of nitrogen and the nute burn was from to much flowering nutes with very low N. So i flushed it about 3 days ago. Then with the last gal of water i mixed some 20-20-20 1/4 strength.
Now the tips on the new leaves are curling down, so once again i think its nute burn from the 20-20-20 i put in, and that is were im at. so im thinking of flushing again and adding no butes. what do ya think.
btw im flowering for 25 days, buds seem to be about on time a little behind.

hope ur not to stoned to get thru all that. THNX ALOT!


Well-Known Member
and, mate, I was stating that if they were fucked already, you would need to be on the lookout when you flush b/c they would die rapidly. like overnight. Im sure, mate, your first grow went perfectly, no issues no problems. b/c your your an aussie, right?


Well-Known Member
oh, yes sir mr. greenpheonix. I will stop growing b/c you said so. what is with the aussie wannabe knowitall a-holes on this site?
Aussie? I thought it was the Americans who are internationally known as assholes and morons hahaha. No offence to any Americans out there, but you do get a lot of shit where I'm from lol... Which isn't Australia...


Well-Known Member
and, mate, I was stating that if they were fucked already, you would need to be on the lookout when you flush b/c they would die rapidly. like overnight. Im sure, mate, your first grow went perfectly, no issues no problems. b/c your your an aussie, right?
No I'm not an Aussie. And actually I've never had a failed grow, never had any major problems. Did my research, set up a proper grow room with all the required bits and bobs (none of this $3000 climate control crap). Have never had a plant die, haven't yet had any seeds not germinate (but that's not really me, that's just the good seeds), I have had clones die before they've rooted though :(

Maybe you can help me with that cause you clearly know more than me...

Anyway, I agree, if your plants are severly fucked before you flush, it's not guna do them any huge favours, but you only flush for the last week anyway, so those plants would need to be in a pretty damn severe state to die overnight


Well-Known Member
dont claim to know more than you mate. things can get ungly fast in hydro. soil is alot more forgiving. and much easier. and slower.
what medium do you clone in? if any of them dont want to grow roots, than they get put into a small DWC bubbler and 75% of the time those bastards root nicely.

anyway cheers. time to watch Brock Lesner wup up on Couture


Well-Known Member
dont claim to know more than you mate. things can get ungly fast in hydro. soil is alot more forgiving. and much easier. and slower.
what medium do you clone in? if any of them dont want to grow roots, than they get put into a small DWC bubbler and 75% of the time those bastards root nicely.

anyway cheers. time to watch Brock Lesner wup up on Couture
Clone in soil, bubblers, vermiculite trays and aeroponic systems.

And hydro can get ugly fast... I use Aero over hydro any day, it's faster than hydro and tends to produce healthier plants... For me at least :D


Well-Known Member
ok thanks for all help. the problem im having is-
the bottom set of fan leaves turned yellow and then it started working its way up and then started onto smaller younger leaves. also the leaves had small brown spots and the tips were brown and dying. so i figured i had nute lockout of nitrogen and the nute burn was from to much flowering nutes with very low N. So i flushed it about 3 days ago. Then with the last gal of water i mixed some 20-20-20 1/4 strength.
Now the tips on the new leaves are curling down, so once again i think its nute burn from the 20-20-20 i put in, and that is were im at. so im thinking of flushing again and adding no butes. what do ya think.
btw im flowering for 25 days, buds seem to be about on time a little behind.

hope ur not to stoned to get thru all that. THNX ALOT!
get a 20-10-12 for veg