Does flowering from seed stop the plant from making seeds?


I like breeding, for variety, does anyone know if flowering from seed stops a plant from creating seeds? i know the yeild will be Extremely small but will she still have seeds :?:


Well-Known Member
no a flowering female will produce seeds if a male plant matures and releases pollen this pollen will seed any female in the area or if a plant herms out and seeds its self remove any males that pop up and kill the herm or keep it in a different fully contained area and harvest the seeds they may be feminized or herms


Weed Modifier
seeds come from males that pollinate the females which create seeds.
hermie plants showing both male and female parts also will create seeds.

so no ...a plant started on 12/12 from seed shouldn't produce seed, unless there is a male/hermie around to get her prego.


So i can 12\12 them now, and still breed them. there about 12" tall now so theyll make seeds anyway, but my newest ones are about 2 weeks old, flowering them now should still produce seeds?, of course i can always clone them but that defeats the purpose of breeding.


Well-Known Member
yes you just need to have some males to collect the pollen and do a controlled pollenation or let it naturally pollenate the females


Weed Modifier
the only way you will get seed from plants... is if you have pollen from a male plant/hermie.
you can pollinate any female long as you have pollen...if you don't have pollen then no seeds will be produced.


Well-Known Member
You can also stress induce a female plant to produce seeds if you don't have any male plants around for pollination. They pollinate themselves from becoming stressed hermies. However the plants grown from those stress induced seeds can have a tendency to produce hermaphrodite females.
The stress induced seed plants will be feminized seeds. Not always a good thing but we've done it in order to carry on a lineage of plant where we no longer have access to clones or seeds of the strain.
You can stress them a number of ways but the best way we found was to just let them get over ripe and continue on past their normal flowering time. Temp and light stresses also work.


Well-Known Member
You can also stress induce a female plant to produce seeds if you don't have any male plants around for pollination. They pollinate themselves from becoming stressed hermies. However the plants grown from those stress induced seeds can have a tendency to produce hermaphrodite females.

Only under the same stressful conditions.
If you have a female plant and stress it to cause it to produce male flowers, that is not a real hermaphrodite.
It is still female and can only produce female, feminized seeds.
Real hermaphrodites are rare is stable genetics and even rarer in indica.

The stress induced seed plants will be feminized seeds. Not always a good thing but we've done it in order to carry on a lineage of plant where we no longer have access to clones or seeds of the strain.
You can stress them a number of ways but the best way we found was to just let them get over ripe and continue on past their normal flowering time. Temp and light stresses also work.
Colloidal silver and STS do not stress your plant, they trick it into producing male flowers.
It is a normal and natural survival mechanism that every female cannabis plant has the ability to do.


New Member
I am about to start creating my own female autoflower seeds with colidal silver . So i would like to know if i can use feminized seeds or do they have to be regular? I just dont want to get hermi seeds. If someone could tell me on what i have to be carefull. Thanks


Well-Known Member
I don't like collodial silver method. Let the plant got 2 weeks past is chop time or longer if need be.. It will produce fem pollen.. Collect that pollen or have other plants in there into early flower to make fem seeds... Soma's feminized method.


Well-Known Member

At least my AVI doesn't suck
you have bad taste in humor. Cops chasing batman after pulling him over in a lambo is funny...

I understand that the Midwest has electricity now. Tv and movies are a new concept so eventually you will understand comedy.


Well-Known Member
I am about to start creating my own female autoflower seeds with colidal silver . So i would like to know if i can use feminized seeds or do they have to be regular? I just dont want to get hermi seeds. If someone could tell me on what i have to be carefull. Thanks
You can use feminized seeds.