Does Each Light Need A Different Cooling Fan?

I'm using two 600w HPS w/air cooled hoods and was wondering if I need an intake and exhaust system for each light.

This is the kind of fan I was thinking about using, do you think it's a good fan for lights?

Also, if I had two fans for lights would I need an intake for air as well or would the light's fans be able to provide any new air.


Active Member
id use two if it were me with two lights that big. i use an 8" fan max from can fan to blow air through my two 600w hoods and an 8" suncourt fan to pull it through to move the hot air faster... its cheap enough and simple enough to get the air through.
Yeah I thought I'd need one for each considering that they get pretty hot, and I would be using two of the same kinds for intake and outtake so I hope two is enough


Active Member
thats good price for them.. i paid $50/ea for the 8" version of them... the only thing youre gonna need is the plug to run them.. they dont come with anything to plug them in.
Oh alright, so they come with a cord, it just can't be plugged into your average wall socket? Thank you for telling me this, haha as I would have been standing here after I got the fans, just wondering in my head "what the hell do I do with this shit?"

Also, is this kind of a fan able to attach a carbon filter? or would a different fan be required for the room's ventilation set up?(which is just the basic intake/outtake with the carbon filter at the exhaust end) the room is going to be around 250~300 cubic feet.

And I had a kind of off subject question if you're able to answer it, I'm going to have 9 plants under each light and was wondering if a 4x8 area is good enough or if I should up it to 6x8 so they each get 2 square feet to grow outwards and just so I have some extra room, my only concern with a bigger room was would the light not be as strong with the 6x8 if compared to the 4x8, or does it really matter in the long run?


Active Member
a 600w is good UP TO a 5'x5' grow area.. its recommended for a 4x4... id go with the 4x8... id grow 32 plants in that area (just me), but i have techniques that allow me to do that (screen of green or ScroG).. no sense in wasting space unless you want huge fuckin plants.. it can be attached to a carbon filter, but its not really strong enough to suck through the filter and still have enough power to cool the lights.. personally, i buy from the valuline 6" fan is rated at 435cfm as to the suncourt is only 180cfm if used alone.. its good to 300cfm if used as a booster... id buy one 6" valuline at $99, a 6" suncourt for the $20+ you found it on amazon for, the cord is $3.95 from BGH that will power it, and a Can 33 13" carbon filter. with the 6" flange $11.99. thats just me... and you may be able to get it all cheaper on amazon.. didnt check their prices... also, attach the carbon filter at the inlet side... it acts as a dust filter and youll be happy you did when you dont have to clean out your reflector from all the accumulated dust... fresh filtered air only my friend..
Yeah, I'm going with less plants but I'm going to vegg them for about 6-8 weeks so they get pretty decent but not out of control. And yeah I though that 4x8 would be better because of light efficiency. I'm going to be LST them so they would yield about the same as a ScrOG or a SOG as I was originally going to do in a Hydro setup but figured I didn't want to tackle hydro my first try.

And when you say attach the carbon filter at the inlet, are you saying that after I have the rooms exhaust hooked up to hook up the light exhaust to it also and the benefit would be nice clean filtered air so my reflective hoods stay mint? thanks for telling me this they're a lot of good little facts to know


Active Member
if you set it up like this: carbon filter+flange -> inlet fan -> ducting -> reflector -> ducting -> reflector -> smaller pusher fan -> ducting -> vent to outside : (assuming you have sufficient air supply via air conditioner or whatnot) then youll have no problems... if you have no fresh air supply, a small box fan near an opening will bring it in (cover your fan with some type of screen like mesh or whatever so you dont just suck in air and dust and cover your shit in dirt)... that way, your filtered air AND heat from bulbs go outside... heat sucks.. in the winter if your grow room gets cold, dont send it outside, unhook the ducting and heat your room for semi-free...
or actually, What do you think of a 3x6 area with the lights side by side w/18 plants 1square foot each? but my only worry with that would be maybe too LITTLE size and they might grow too big. any input would be great, thank you


Active Member
it seems as if you have the means to buy whatever you will need, so try this: grow a few plants your first round for 6-8 weeks... take cuttings and sex them... if you have females, then you can take SEVERAL cuttings (no more than half of the branches and make sure to do it evenly) and flower those.. you can do that in a 2x4 section of your room and block it off so they dont flower and give them 20 hours of light a day (i only say that bc your equip will last MUCH longer) and have two mother plants... every month or so, you can take fresh cuttings.. get your system right, and youll be harvesting every other month... more weed makes stoners happy!!!!


Active Member
1 sq. ft. for each plant is more than enough.. ive seen setups where they get .5 sq.ft... (some crazy advanced shit that i dont care to learn or invest in).. im all hydroponic.. i dont like soil bc i control EVERYTHING... i dont have to worry about soil quality.. just expanded clay pebbles.. you can always do the super-cropping method and pinch the main stem (read about it first bc its easy to fuck up) and it will keep them short, and they will just get bushy.. i do the FIM technique and they stay short and get bushy.. the only thing that sucks is that the plants stay in veg for an additional 4-6 weeks but its damn sure worth it.. FIM works well too and not NEAR as long of extended veg.. a 3x6 is all you really need (im supposing since youre growing 18 plants that youre planning on selling it... PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!! people start noticing that kind of shit.. read my page and see what happened to me... its my post under "security"..) with two 600w lights in a 3x6 area, youll have massive ass buds.. it will allow for better usage of lights..
Yeah I haven't bought anything for surely yet, I'm getting everything written down and planned first. So I still have the choice of how to grow, but I don't have UNLIMITED funds, like I would love to have set up a perpetual harvest, but I have enough for a decent setup.

Alright, so you're suggesting to go with soil the first time and take cuttings from whichever plants are personally selected for whatever qualities, and then start to make a few mothers out of them, and THEN try a hydro set up? Because I really want to try hydro, I'm just too afraid i'll screw something simple up that will cause the whole crop to fail, but i'm probably overthinking this. and that way i'll be able to know what will be growing also.

My friend at the local co-op said that he would grow a mother and then start to grow, but I don't want to wait that long to start since I've been putting this back since late last december. I might seem impatient, but I just want to grow a crop before the world goes the dogs. Anyways thank you for the idea i wouldn't have thought to take mothers from my first plants, but now it seems the economical option haha


Well-Known Member
One blower/exhaust duct will be enough for the two cooltubes. If you step up to 3 lights then you will need separate cooling for the 3rd one.