Does Co2 contribute to bad tasting bud?


Hey everyone! I just finished a crop and smoked some, and it tastes kinda like hay for some reason. I flushed for like 2 1/2 weeks before I chopped, so it should've tasted good, but it didn't! I've heard some people say that using Co2 can cause the taste to be strange. I used Co2 up until the last week, does anyone know if this is actually true? If it early should I cut out the Co2 for da ladies? Does anyone have any good ideas, or if there is even a way? to make your bud to taste better? or does it just depend on strain?

Thanx peepz!


Well-Known Member
CO2 cant contribute anything to taste, it is an odorless colorless gas. The hay taste is generally caused by an improper flush(not you) or too quick of a dry. You want it to take at least 5 days. But as stated above, curing in jars can help get rid of that, usually takes 3-4 weeks to make a noticable difference.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you need to let that stuff cure longer. I will usually chop a plant and let it hang in a dark room (like a closet or cupboard) for a few days. When the buds start to feel like they are drying out a bit I will take it down, do most of my trimming, and then throw them in a cardboard box with some holes in the lid.

I open the box and rotate the buds at least once (usually twice) a day until buds are dry to the touch and stems begin to snap when bent.

THEN I will drop them into jars. I will open the jars a couple times a day until the stems begin to snap when bent again. Really breaks down that chlorophyll taste/smell. A lot of people don't have the patience for it though sadly. My cure takes about a month total, little longer depending on a few factors like RH in the air (winter vs. summer).


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you need to let that stuff cure longer. I will usually chop a plant and let it hang in a dark room (like a closet or cupboard) for a few days. When the buds start to feel like they are drying out a bit I will take it down, do most of my trimming, and then throw them in a cardboard box with some holes in the lid.

I open the box and rotate the buds at least once (usually twice) a day until buds are dry to the touch and stems begin to snap when bent.

THEN I will drop them into jars. I will open the jars a couple times a day until the stems begin to snap when bent again. Really breaks down that chlorophyll taste/smell. A lot of people don't have the patience for it though sadly. My cure takes about a month total, little longer depending on a few factors like RH in the air (winter vs. summer).

TIP= I like to put my mason jars in the refrigerator..Keeps my smoke nice and fresh :)


Wow! Thanx peepz! I guess I was a little to impatient, I just wanted to taste it so bad. I should've done it the right way. At least now I have some smoke...even though it'll taste like hay while I cure it the right way on my next batch. Thank you so much everyone. I'll get back on here to let everyone know how it'll taste when I do it right!


Well-Known Member
Wow! Thanx peepz! I guess I was a little to impatient, I just wanted to taste it so bad. I should've done it the right way. At least now I have some smoke...even though it'll taste like hay while I cure it the right way on my next batch. Thank you so much everyone. I'll get back on here to let everyone know how it'll taste when I do it right!
you can still start curing them now. Its not too late. Grab a box of mason jars for under $15 and just fill them 2/3 full. Open the jars once a day for about 10 min for the first 1-2 weeks, then to once a week.