Does anyone miss the 'Like' button?

It definitely stole some +rep away but I still liked seeing the notifications when I signed on. YAY SOMEBODY LIKES SOMETHING I TYPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


no shit. i trashed the like button as bad as everyone else when it first came, but then i got used to it. it was a good way to figure out popular opinion and where people stand on stuff without them having to type out a bunch of crap that i won't read.

i wanna feel liked again :cuss::cuss:
No. Didn't really matter, used it but not attached to it.
I bet those of you who miss it are on disgracebook.

no shit. i trashed the like button as bad as everyone else when it first came, but then i got used to it. it was a good way to figure out popular opinion and where people stand on stuff without them having to type out a bunch of crap that i won't read.

i wanna feel liked again :cuss::cuss:

Not me. x) I didn't use it for WEEKS out of protest. :p In the end I gave a bit over 200 likes and had over 3000. :p
Already have. :p It's the principle of the thing. ;)


no shit. i trashed the like button as bad as everyone else when it first came, but then i got used to it. it was a good way to figure out popular opinion and where people stand on stuff without them having to type out a bunch of crap that i won't read.

i wanna feel liked again :cuss::cuss:

Exactly! But, I'll just rep instead.

Have to spread it around so...

And now they're all gone. :-(
So? :p All for one, on for all. The whole world has gone blind. Etc etc. We're all in the dark. Which brings us together. ;)

i just want to point out that if we had a like button this thread would have 5 posts and 15 likes and we would all call it a day.

just think of all the server space we have to waste just to agree with someone now. i'm not gonna rep someone because we like the same kind of pizza.