Does Anyone Know What Kind of Plant This Is?


Well-Known Member
So I've lived in the house that i live in for 3 years. I've rode past this plant plenty of times and always wondered what it was. Then the other day that weird tree trunk like thing came out of the middle of it. Thats never happened before since i've seen it. So now im super curious as to what kind of plant it is and whats gonna happen with that tree trunk thing growing out of the middle.
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Thnx I think you're right. Some kind of agave. That's awesome I'm definately gonna try to grab a seed or two when it flowers.
Thanks for the answers I deleted the picture bc I just put a grow journal up and that house is pretty close to where I live. Maybe over paranoid but I get weird about that shit.
Nah it was way too big to be that. I'm gonna take another picture of it when It blooms and post it here ( make sure I leave the house out of the background). Can't wait, it definately look like an Americana agave plant.
Yucca filamentosa has thread like filaments that were used in basket weaving. You can also use them for dental floss in a pinch.
Agave americana (native here in AZ) doesn't have those filaments and is a much bigger plant. It sends up a stalk that looks a lot like a huge asparagus spear that flowers before the plant dies although it propagates by runners so only the original plant dies.
Here's a wiki jpeg...your pic is missing...did the plant look something like this?