Does anyone know if this is pre-flowering?


Active Member
I started these outdoor plants on April 23rd. There in pretty big pots.
I used fox farm ocean forest soil. Since it says right on the bag that the soil contains enough nutrients to last 30 days. I started fox farm big grow fertilizer at 31 days. I mix in 1/4 teaspoon per gallon. Well its coming up on fertilization day this Sunday. I fertilize my plants every other weekend. I am going to give all of my plants fox farm big grow except for the one I think may be pre-flowering. I water them once a day with distilled water. And they are in partial shade for most hours of the day. In this short amount of time they have grown right around 2 feet maybe more. And one (and only one) appears to be pre-flowering. Do I understand this right: When a plant starts pre-flowering you switch from fox farm big grow to fox farm big bloom? I have included 2 pics of my suspect.



Well-Known Member
that does look very similar to newly flowering plants

i would wait another 2 weeks or so to switch nutes, they stretch during the first couple weeks and need that extra nitrogen

you could start by mixin the nutes, 75% grow 25% bloom, then gradually end up to 100% bloom