Does anyone have an "emergency plan" should police show up at your door?


Active Member
I've got four small plants, they're bring grown in party-cups, and I'm sure they wont end up getting even over a foot in height. I don't have an elaborate setup, four fluorescent tubes (2ft long) and two CFL's from a lamp.

...I was wondering, does anyone have an "emergency plan" should police ever knock and have a warrant? Obviously if they didnt, I'd simply not consent to even letting them enter my house - but if they did...

...I was wondering if anyone had any like quick ways to dispose of the grow, or 'trap doors' or something. Something besides tossing it out the window of course, lol.



Well-Known Member
I've got four small plants, they're bring grown in party-cups, and I'm sure they wont end up getting even over a foot in height. I don't have an elaborate setup, four fluorescent tubes (2ft long) and two CFL's from a lamp.

...I was wondering, does anyone have an "emergency plan" should police ever knock and have a warrant? Obviously if they didnt, I'd simply not consent to even letting them enter my house - but if they did...

...I was wondering if anyone had any like quick ways to dispose of the grow, or 'trap doors' or something. Something besides tossing it out the window of course, lol.

Police that are holding warrants for a search of schedule 1 items and paraphernalia do not knock on doors and allow you time to implement your "emergency plan". They break the door in and detain anyone inside and begin to systematically tear your house apart. They'll look in your pantry, open food boxes, pour out milk to search the container, go through your sugar, flour, etc. If so inclined, they'll enter your attic and thoroughly search that too. How do I know all of this? My Coke dealer got a call telling him to clean up, they were coming(this was many moons ago). The coke and scales were out of the house for about 8 minutes when the front door flew open and in they came. They didn't find shit, but left the kitchen a mess. They tossed his house pretty good.

The point of the story? You won't have time. so make sure it never happens. Keep your mouth shut. Never throw garden waste or trash away with your household trash. Keep your mouth shut. Don't sell, if anything, have a trusted friend be "the dealer".


Active Member
This is why I am building my own house with a super secret basement :)
Just dont have the contractor build that super secret basement...

Police: Marijuana 'grow rooms' found behind fake wall, vault door
11-12-2004 | Detroit free Press

VASSAR TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) -- Acting on an informant's tip about a recently built home, police found what they describe as an elaborate indoor Marijuana-growing complex hidden behind a fake wall and a bank-vault door at the home.

In July, Mark T. Latting sued his builder, claiming defective workmanship on the Tuscola County home, The Bay City Times reported. Two months later, undercover police investigating Latting searched his home and turned up the "grow rooms."

Police say a wall section rotated on a turnstile when they pushed on a pool-cue rack built into the wall. That led to a furnace room, they say, which led to a bank-vault door that could be opened with a keypad combination.

Behind the vault door, officers said they found two grow rooms with their own ventilation systems leading outside, carbon-dioxide tanks to provide gas for plant growth and other equipment related to growing pot.

"These two Marijuana grow rooms were built as part of the plans for the new home," said Detective Lt. Mitch Krugielki, commander of the Thumb Narcotics Unit. "It had (Marijuana) drying racks built in the hallway between the two grow rooms."

Latting, 49, was charged following the Sept. 28 search with seven counts, including maintaining a drug house. On Nov. 5, Tuscola County District Judge Kim David Glaspie told lawyers to submit briefs within 14 days so he could decide whether to order Latting to stand trial.

Latting's lawyer Mark W. Latchana plans to challenge whether the police search of Latting's home was legal. Latchana said police threatened to get a search warrant if they weren't let behind the vault door.

"The police claim they were granted consent to search (Latting's) home, but there is some question whether the consent given was valid," Latchana said.

Police said they began conducting surveillance on Latting after receiving an anonymous tip that an indoor Marijuana-growing complex had been built as part of the home. Latchana said he doesn't know the informant's identity.

Latting's lawsuit against his builder is pending.


Well-Known Member
Police say a wall section rotated on a turnstile when they pushed on a pool-cue rack built into the wall. That led to a furnace room, they say, which led to a bank-vault door that could be opened with a keypad combination.

Behind the vault door, officers said they found two grow rooms with their own ventilation systems leading outside, carbon-dioxide tanks to provide gas for plant growth and other equipment related to growing pot.

"These two Marijuana grow rooms were built as part of the plans for the new home," said Detective Lt. Mitch Krugielki, commander of the Thumb Narcotics Unit. "It had (Marijuana) drying racks built in the hallway between the two grow rooms."

I want one!


Active Member
only valid idea i can think of is to have a cement room preferably a shed or basement lined with cement that includes the ceiling step 2 build a wooden growroom within that preferebly balsa or another light highly pourous wood once built soak it i gasoline or kerosine step 3 remote detonator cops knock answer the door if they dont have a warrant tell em to fuck off and move those plants asap through the back of your house cause chances are theres a UC 4 doors down watching you if they bust your door down press the button and cross your fingers

Good Luck dude


Active Member
Chronic, you must be totally ripped. That's just the craziest idea ever. And how long does the gasoline keep? Or do I have to keep putting more gas on it each day just incase they come? :P


Active Member
Serapis is right. They are like army ants. As hard as it is, don't tell anyone. Thats why God gave use the internet, so we can vent on this forum. Everyone say "Thanks God."


Well-Known Member
If they have a warrant, my plan would be to thank them for not breaking down my door and brandishing weapons (if this wasn't the case then no plan is functional anyway). If they didn't have a warrant I'd tell them, through the door, that I'm busy and not interested in speaking with them. Simple as that :)


Hmmm, I think I'll just show them my cannabis card and tell them to get the fuck out. Secret grow lab $10,000 vs Cannabis Card $150, telling the cops to get the fuck out? Priceless...


Active Member
Well, my plan thus far is: "Hey guys, no need to search the place, I'll come clean and just show you where it is. Yeah. Do what you have to do."

EDIT: Thats only if there's a search warrant. Imagine if I said this to some random police officer like walking around asking for donations?


Well-Known Member
If they knock on your door with regards to your grow, they will most likely have a search warrant. As such, it's best to just be dignified about it and take what's coming. Try running and that's resisting arrest, talking back to them might earn you a beating depending on your race/location, flushing it will just make them check your septic tank, thus warranting a beating further down the line for making them sift through shit to get their evidence.. As you can tell, I'm not American, so according to me the police over there are just looking for a reason to deal out the police brutality xD

Seriously though, as long as you keep your trap shut, no one will ever know. It's hard, as being a MJ grower does make you cooler than everyone else (fact), but it's the sort of cool you have to show a lot of humility and secrecy about. Not every flashing blue light that passes your house is a potential raid, so try not to worry too much about it.


Well-Known Member
my "emergency plan" is knowing the law man you can learn all this cool stuff about growing but you should also research reasonable suspicion, reasonable cause, challenges to a search and seizure, you need to suppress the evidence at the pre-trial which only an experienced person can do remember court is dehumanizing but the police can break the law to you need to strengthen your mentality man and establish yourself the American law can take you very far in life and show you many things you may never have thought possible