Does anyone acctualy pull weight from CFL? Prove me wrong


Well-Known Member
Hey its been a while. Just got out of jail after 6 months. Non grow related.
I was wondering what you think you could pull out of a 4x4x6 grow tent with three 200w cfls?. Im planning on tipping it over cause lack of height and getting an extra 2 feet of space. length wise. So 24 sqaure feet.
Now i have grow for over two years with hps and mh lighting. Well experianced. I know pretty much everything bout growing. Im asking if these lights really work or am i wasting my money. Total cost would be around 600$ hoping to get 1.5 lbs. strain would be purple kush. Probly vegged for 2-3 weeks due to lack of height. in 3 gallon pots cut short so 2gallon wide pots. maybe 16 plants.
anyone get good results from the CFL sun blasters?


Well-Known Member
IMO that will be a waste of money. You would be better off with like 40 x of the smaller 23 watt bulbs. Much cheaper from Walmart too. Sockets are 1$ power strips are like 2$ total is less then 100$ for sure and way better light because it surrounds the plant more. I have used large cfls, small cfls, hps, led, mh. Pretty much everything. The big cfls are a huge joke IME.


Well-Known Member
IMO that will be a waste of money. You would be better off with like 40 x of the smaller 23 watt bulbs. Much cheaper from Walmart too. Sockets are 1$ power strips are like 2$ total is less then 100$ for sure and way better light because it surrounds the plant more. I have used large cfls, small cfls, hps, led, mh. Pretty much everything. The big cfls are a huge joke IME.
No, to much fire hazard. Im gonna go with a 400 watt hps digital and do a small vertical. Yea i kinda figured cfls are a joke. you have to have them so close. With the hps at least i could get around a pound. The vertical would be two level so just a row of plants in the back. Pretty much just flip a pot upside down and rest the potted plant on top. Then drap poly over the highplants so muddy water doesnt leak on to the lower plants. 22 plants sounds about right


Let's say 250 watts of HID would be better than 300 watt CFL. HID is more efficient, especially the HPS (although halides in general put out more plant-usable light), in terms of lumens produced per watt. The 600 and 800 are the most efficient.