Does anybody use kelp, humic, fulvic acid or molasses in coco?

i don't think he was trying to pick a fight with you, seemed like a serious question to me. thats how they make those products last, the organisms in them go into suspended animation till you re-activate them. if you wake them up and don't feed them, they'll starve to death in a day or two. thats why you have to keep adding it to your reservoir, they only last so long, and if they aren't fed, that time is cut way down
i don't think he was trying to pick a fight with you, seemed like a serious question to me. thats how they make those products last, the organisms in them go into suspended animation till you re-activate them. if you wake them up and don't feed them, they'll starve to death in a day or two. thats why you have to keep adding it to your reservoir, they only last so long, and if they aren't fed, that time is cut way down
It also keeps them at a pre measured rate. If you "Thin" them out, how are you sure the 2mil/gal is really correct.
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people do use stock solutions in chemistry all the time. i'm not sure if a stock solution of a living organism is the best idea, but if its working for him, keep on keepin' on
i use hy gen witch i use a 1 part grow i just got somthing witxh is basicly kelp and a humic and fulvic i used it for the first time yester day workjng for me allready side nodes coming out
2 or 3 waterings nkw with a seaweed exract and a humic and fulvic think im a month in keep in mind its like 48c in there and i accedently light b,eachem as seedlings and im not good at this20180102_111922.jpgloll dont mind that twisted one ay despite how it looks its yhay have really recoved nively
this website DOES have auto-correct. all you have to do is go back and right click on a red lined word and it'll offer you the correct spelling...usually.
this leads me to believe that either you type entirely too fast and don't bother to proof read what you type, or...
you're a troll of some sort, looking for sympathy..or something....or....
you just spell very poorly, and aren't aware of the auto-correct feature.
you're aware of it now, take advantage of it
this website DOES have auto-correct. all you have to do is go back and right click on a red lined word and it'll offer you the correct spelling...usually.
this leads me to believe that either you type entirely too fast and don't bother to proof read what you type, or...
you're a troll of some sort, looking for sympathy..or something....or....
you just spell very poorly, and aren't aware of the auto-correct feature.
you're aware of it now, take advantage of it
Lol im not a troll its the other two theres never been a red line so shit man maybe that meme is right
only 1/2 what it calls for, after every weekly flush.. and i foliar with fulvic weekly until week 2 of bloom
Nice buds, bud!!! Looking mighty fine there! What type of fulvic are ya using? I just ordered some recharge and tm-7! Are you using the recharge like the dude? Pouring around 8 oz per plant?