Does anybody here smoke "POT"?


Well-Known Member
I hear it makes you see pink elephants..

haha i remember when i was a kid and everyone used to think that smoking weed made you see pink elephants.

I am yet to 'properly' trip out on in see things that ain't there.
Doubt it'll ever happen ;)


Well-Known Member
youll need tin snips to brake it up dude, then like the site say's ROLLITUP. you might have to roll it up in some sheet metal.

i always put honey on it.


Well-Known Member
i use jam.

I just thought of a wicked smoking device.
if i get time i may just draw a crude picture ;)


Active Member
must not be anywhere near baltimore. only nasty sh*t round here. i wasnt sumthin colorful you know, not that so called stuff in a jar that they be passin for purple round here. wtf. i know what good shit looks like justr cant find it :cry: