Does a DOx substance potentiate LSD???


Well-Known Member
so i have been doing research about fake acid and DOx compounds being sold as LSD....

the reason i started doing research is because when I went to wakarusa this year
I was sold two hits of acid that tasted extremely bitter.
the person that sold me them didnt look like he knew anything about LSD and he said the doses took
a long while for them to kick in.
after eating the two bitter doses, i waited for them to kick in.
well i thought the first two adulterated hits were fake since
i didnt feel anything that resembled LSD so I decided to go looking for 2 more hits of LEGIT LSD.
i happened to find some alex grey blue ganeshas, so i knew i got some legit stuff.
i decide to take one and wait an hour then take the last one.

so at this point i have ingested 2 hits of adulterated lsd and 2 hits of legitimate lysergic acid.

after taking the two alex greys, i felt a come up so fast, it was ridiculous .
the whole trip i was freaking out wondering what I have taken.
i felt like i was on what i thought would be 10 hits of lsd.
my vision was engulfed with visuals and fractals.
i couldnt believe that 2 -4 hits of real or fake lsd made me feel this way.
this was THE worst AND best trip of my life.

all that i can add up to it is that LSD + a DOx substance will potentiate the fuck out of each other .

i wanna do this again but next time KNOW what and how much i am taking.


Active Member
most cid i have had from EU (shiva, ganeshas, etc..) have all had a slightly bitter tast. i am told this is from the ink on the print... if your first to hits were on white blotter (as most DOx iv seen) and was still bitter then it most deff. was dox..

as far as potentiate the lsd, i could only imagine so... tho that would not be an experiment i would wont to try..(not like u had a choose)... im glad i wasnt sold dox at wakarusa this year but also jealous i didnt stumble on any ganeshas
