Does a cheap, quiet, 4" inline fan exist?

I'm having trouble finding a fan that'll work for a small grow box. It's 2' wide x 2' deep x 3.5' tall.

The ones I've read about and seen/heard in person are too loud. Even a Panasonic at 1.0 sones is too loud for my purposes.

I'd like to drop the filter end of a piece of 4" duct through the ceiling of the box, and have the fan itself outside the box with a short run of ducting to carry the exhaust a few feet away.

Building muffler boxes and buying insulated ducting is problematic due to space and money issues. Only need about 80 cfm, I tried one and it pulled through the filter fine but was too loud. Is there a quiet 4" inline out there somewhere?

Thanks so much for any help on this.


Well-Known Member
you might not be able to get a quiet fan for cheap but you sure as hell can make a fan quieter


Well-Known Member
Use a 12v DC computer fan! Simple, very quiet and inexpensive. Sourcing: 'The cheaper the computer case/the quieter the fan'.
build a sound insulated box
Robert, thanks for the feedback. I've got some space issues though and if possible I'd like to avoid another box. But if it's the only way, then I'll do it.

Maybe I should rephrase the question: Does a semi-cheap or reasonably priced quiet 4" inline fan exist?

Thanks again all.


Well-Known Member
get a vortex inline fan and a speed switch to slow it to ur sound/air level they are extremely quiet but not inexpensive but if ur talking about getting caught from a fan i wld save my money + it has the power ur lookin 4


Well-Known Member
dont worry the dr. is here lol these sre what i use and i have a bow that is 2x2x4.5 with 2 of these for exhaust and passive like butter no noise..and most of all cheap with no wiring to do..heres the link.. they really work well good luck..peace pot prosperity



Well-Known Member
I built two pipe fans that work well with my small 2x5x8 closet. Used 4" puter fans attached to a 3" pvc. Drilled several 1" holes in the length of the pve, wrap a charcoal filter around it....plug the intake end, secure puter fan to exhaust end (blowing out of course) just a few hours I could really tell a huge difference in the smell of my indoor crop of some stinky fems. If your puter fan won't pull through the carbon filter, something is just not right. Both mine work like a charm. One pulls through only 2 layers of carbon filter wrap, the sevond pulls through a double carbon wrap and a "cache" of activated carbon chrystals in a little flow through bag .
On the fans, I used two puter fans, one on a 9v step down transformer, the other on a 12v trans. Cheap and works great. I actually exhause my closet into the bathroom next to it and the "green" "chlorophyll""weed" smell is gone! This little test I've done has actually changed my build of another fan for a bloom'll be much simplier that I had planned.........
get a vortex inline fan and a speed switch to slow it to ur sound/air level they are extremely quiet but not inexpensive but if ur talking about getting caught from a fan i wld save my money + it has the power ur lookin 4
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm going to look into this. I guess I was turned off initially because the ones I've heard are so loud, and I didn't really want to shell out for both a fan and a speed controller, but it may be worth the money.
dont worry the dr. is here lol these sre what i use and i have a bow that is 2x2x4.5 with 2 of these for exhaust and passive like butter no noise..and most of all cheap with no wiring to do..heres the link.. they really work well good luck..peace pot prosperity
Hey there stinkbudd1,

Mine didn't seem to pull very well but I'm going to try them again before buying anything else. Thanks man.
I built two pipe fans that work well with my small 2x5x8 closet. Used 4" puter fans attached to a 3" pvc. Drilled several 1" holes in the length of the pve, wrap a charcoal filter around it....plug the intake end, secure puter fan to exhaust end (blowing out of course) just a few hours I could really tell a huge difference in the smell of my indoor crop of some stinky fems. If your puter fan won't pull through the carbon filter, something is just not right. Both mine work like a charm. One pulls through only 2 layers of carbon filter wrap, the sevond pulls through a double carbon wrap and a "cache" of activated carbon chrystals in a little flow through bag .
On the fans, I used two puter fans, one on a 9v step down transformer, the other on a 12v trans. Cheap and works great. I actually exhause my closet into the bathroom next to it and the "green" "chlorophyll""weed" smell is gone! This little test I've done has actually changed my build of another fan for a bloom'll be much simplier that I had planned.........
Thanks for the feedback-- that's another recommendation for using computer fans. My filter sounds a lot like yours (the one with the activated carbon cache)- I'll try it again and see what happens. I've got at least four 4" fans laying around and plenty of 12v adapters so it would be great if it worked.

Cool-- thanks man. I'm going to try the computer fans again and if they don't work then I'll go for a Vortex or something similar.