Does 24hrs light make tight node spacing? Do tight nodes=more yield?

Combine this with pinching and LST and not letting the center of your plant get clogged up with small shoots and giant fan leaves.... hell yes

I like to use a couple of rules for pruning fruit trees. Remove any growth growing towards the inside of the plant and selectively prune to make sure no branches cross each other. Just those two things combined with topping early can make for some impressive results.
I like to use a couple of rules for pruning fruit trees. Remove any growth growing towards the inside of the plant and selectively prune to make sure no branches cross each other. Just those two things combined with topping early can make for some impressive results.
You mean ganja fruit trees?
You mean ganja fruit trees?

No, I mean that it's a standard practice with actual fruit trees that also works really well with weed.

Edit; I see how that first post was confusing. Don't mind me, the combination of the pain from a freshly broken foot and a steady lack of sleep has me missing some things that I normally probably wouldn't.
Here is what I could undestand for the N/D diff temp: basically you disturb (I belive termically) the giberellin hormones build up of the plant and thus keep the internodes spacing tighter.
There is a tecnique called cold dump which instead of completely keep the diff neg or neutral for the lenght of the day you just keep the next to zero diff in the first few hours of the day.

I'm really interested in that so if anybody can give any more pointers it would be great!

It seem somone was implying the more ppf on the canopy the less stretch? I've come across so many other factors in my research for informations! IR, blue vs red ratio, Fr VS r ratio, amount of green spectrum and also temps as someone else was saying leaving! aside fenotype and strains...
I’ve tried most light combos and found 18/6 to be the best. The root development especially benefits from some darkness.