Been a little while coming guys, but the update is here. So! Lots going on, in both rooms. In the veg room:
I've got my last 9 Chronic seeds planted, I'm trying something a bit different this time. I presoaked the seeds, as usual, but this time instead of germing them, put them straight into their cribs. Just put them in last night, so I'm still waiting for the little ladies to show.
The Blue Widow group is doing alright. These guys are the smallest I've had in awhile, at two weeks. I just transplanted the lot last night, into their three gallon buckets. Not really impressed witht he root system on 'em. But it was something I did wrong - because the other three strains with them, are just as small. The only difference was that usually I tap the soil down, you guys know what I mean, I think - kind of compacting it a little. This time I didn't - thought maybe the extra air would increase roots. Don't do it guys! I believe this is the cause of the problem. the cups were half as full, as when I originally planted them! I'm hoping the new soil will do them justice. I was kind of mad too - two of three bags of soil I had, though they have sat in my house for a few weeks, were so wet it was almost unusable. Added extra perlite - and I won't need to water for awhile, hopefully it won't be a problem.
So here we are - Blue Widow, Sweet Deep Grapefruit, Moby Dick #2, and Fruit Automatic.

Next, the Chronic girls. They are four weeks old. Lovely strain! Still have not a single complaint about 'em yet! Healthy, bushy, they are already about ten inches high.

On to the flower room. First the big group. It's really hard to get all the plants in the picture, there are seven under each light. They have been in for three weeks now, and I am pleased with the bud progress.

Put the Super Lemon Haze in to flower now, along with the four clones. They have only been in for about three days, and have already grown about four inches!

Lastly - I harvested the last three Lemon Skunk clones. Here are a couple pics of that. Nice big colas on them, very dense - there are three that size. Plus a closeup of one for you.

That's everything. I gotta say - this new upgrade is making it even harder, for me to upload pics. I'll get by your journals in the next day or so. Thanks for sticking around, guys and gals!