doees it really work?


:joint:ive been hearing a rumor that if yooou put bowl ash into your plants soil it will automatically grow Sour D buds...soo i did it to 2 of my regs plants and theey are the healthiest out of the other 5. So does it reallly turn into Sour D or just a myth?
Haha no man sorry to let you down but there is definitely no way to change one plants genetic makeup by feeding it ash of choice buds.

The only way to grow sour d buds is to grow a sour d plant!


welll my plants aree starting to budd this is my first year doing it i had 7 bags seeds and planted them put the Ash into 2 of the 5 and got this lemony stinking plants


When I was in the Navy we used to send the new guys out on deck to stand "mail buoy watches". Or down to the engineering spaces to get an "engineer's punch".

Not sure why your post reminded me about those days but I thought you'd get a kick out of hearing it!


Well-Known Member
ash can be used as a fert, do a bit of research man. but yeah, i don't think that can even be considered a myth..


hooow cann you tell how a Regs plant looks liike compared to the Sour? i got regs plants and 4 are 3 feet tall the others are at least a foot how mucch would they produce dryed not wett


Well-Known Member
hooow cann you tell how a Regs plant looks liike compared to the Sour? i got regs plants and 4 are 3 feet tall the others are at least a foot how mucch would they produce dryed not wett
i think you won't get any sour diesel


Active Member
I think ash is used as a soil conditioner and it balances ph issues as well. Maybe there getting full nutes cause the soil ph is primo!!
When I was in the Navy we used to send the new guys out on deck to stand "mail buoy watches". Or down to the engineering spaces to get an "engineer's punch".

Not sure why your post reminded me about those days but I thought you'd get a kick out of hearing it!
AH! This post just reminded me to go check the blinker fluid level in my car. I'll do that right after I tighten the carburetor belt!