Doctor Is Going To Discharge Mom From Practice


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I am looking into doctors in MA that will allow her to use MJ and be on her pain meds . I think the issue here is the State I'd Nh may not allow her to use MJ while on pain med for chronic pain?
You've run into a DEA wall. The DEA is threatening all pain control physicians who prescribe opiates for chronic pain with loss of their schedule II license privileges if they give opiates to a patient on illegal drugs and right now Cannabis is a Schedule 1 drug Federally. So as long as she needs opiates she can't test positive for marijuana.

Unfortunately she will have to choose. Luckily I did not have to choose. But I got off opiates after 22 years of use for chronic pain on April 29 of 2013. I feel MUCH better. As pain 'ages' it changes from somatic to neuropathic. Marijuana is the finest pain relief for neuropathic pain there currently is.

So it looks like she may have to make a choice. I am sorry you have to deal with this but she is lucky to have you.


Well-Known Member
Wow, what a sneaky and mean spirited trick. In order to get your pain meds you have to swear off the evil weed. I don't think that this is to prevent diversion alone. It sounds like you have some real assholes making laws there and they have an agenda.