Doc's laboratory


How are the sin99 coming? I hope you f2 them would love to get some and cross it back to the cindy.

The SinD99 are doing really well actually. I just put the first 3 of the 9 into flower the other day. I've got clones of all of them now(some still rooting but I have faith). There are a couple that seem like they might take after the mom, which is the first thing I was looking for. I also have my eye on a couple because I really like the structure so far. We'll see what comes from them, but I'm definitely planning on working it some more. I need to find a new male as well. I think it should be a neat project though, for now I gotta start by just seeing what comes from these first ones. I've got a lot more beans to work as well to try to find the right plants to cross with. I wish I could grow out 100 of them so I could really do some selection, sadly I don't have to room.
Nothing yet? I am going to cut it up in to cuttings i guess. I will give it a go again and see if i can get it. I would let it go longer but i hope to have it planted in the octagon today or tomorrow.