image.jpg Well I am proud to say I live in a recreational legal state and it is fantastic! I planted the cherry pie and sfv og this evening after it cooled off some. I should have everything in the ground today for the first day it is officially legal for them to be there:)
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What are you feeding them Doc?

How is everything going? Wife, Kids, House, Job...?
I have not had to much. I gave them root shit twice alpha phase had given me and I mixed the soil with a bunch of amendments. I am going to do worm/blood meal tea some fish poo I bet too. Kids and wife are good. Work is fine. I am the only new guy that doesn't get bitched at for being slow. I have been doing some work at the mall for them after hours too. Trying to make up for the move now you know. Hope you guys are doing well, and your garden is looking good man.