how did the rabbit hutch come out? how much did it cost ya to make? I am gonna be making one here sometime soon, I want to get my rabbit herd going as well.
Wire was $8,some screws, and nails. The rest was from pallets and shipping flats. I will get some pics tomorrow and at some point I want to get some metal to add to the roof boards. We can build you one for $50 or so if we buy most of the stuff.
cute bunny rabbits!
my E lectric is .090 per kwt Snohomish county PUD,WA state . Did you check your city taxes? My city gets 4.5% added .... and I noticed on one bill the STATE got going to look into that. those shysters.
What were those rolling papers you use Doc? king something or other? if its smokings, I can not find them to save my ass.
Hope your enjoying your first summer in OR. Pretty Dry down there? This dry PNW spring and summer is quite bizarre.
With that Flemish Giant you won't need to mow the lawn!
I saw a few of them at a rabbit show a few years back they are
the biggest fluffiest darned things and they're tough to.
We used to give our rabbits alfalfa and timothy grass along
with green garden scraps, great garbage disposals.

why you wanna bubby that big?
That's TOO BIG!
it will eat you out of house and home.
Who would want a bunny that big!
No WAY Jose!
I will breed them and eat the baby's at 8 - 10 weeks old, so big rabbits are great.