Yea well it looks like Saturday will be hoop house day. I have been looking for a few weeks for a carport and all I keep getting is adds for people looking for them. I can customize it more though. It will be 12 x 20 or so and made from 2x4s and sc40 pvc with panda film for the black out. I will frame the ends with fans for a good through draft.
Looks tasty and well grown
What is the smell like?
I can gutter it if you want and fabricate it from roll metal for the valley. I put the gg4 and cherry pie out side tonight when I got in from your place Payne. I will leave them in the shade for a couple good days then in the the rings.I cant wait to see how you do yours doc, will give me ideas. I found that Bimart has the 10x20s for 119. I am kinding thinking 2 of them side to side. I saw the spacing on mwottens thread, gave me the idea. like 20x40 basically. Kinda thought if I could come up with a way to add gutters down the middle to collect rain water, that would be awesome to. I suspect I am biting off more then I can chew though, and just gonna need to get them outside and in soil and go from there.
I see the hb2 is still frosty as ever. Glade you keep her aroundFruity,piney/lemon and tiny skunk.
Just amazing bro you have not seen the HB2 yet.
fing site wont let me up load I wll put on another site first
here it is
Yea that is the same cut I used to make the dog x honeybee you grew. I finished the cloner and have it running. I will bring yours or I can run it here again up to hb honeybee? That sounds like an awesome one to have around, pics look fucking awesome to by the way @DCobeen.
Yea man, if we can get gutters figured that be awesome! I definitely want to invest in some good water storage.
Hell yea! Now time to study for the biology testwhichever is fine, got my presentation done so lot less stressed
Very niceOH yea, the Urkle x snow lotus has taken on a VERY nice loud Grape Laffy taffy smell.