Doc's Dank Seeds

Get a pic up please oldman60! Would love to see another pheno other than my one. Here it is just now before lights on day 70 to give you an idea. Hell she might go two more weeks lol and I hope like hell she keeps on stacking and building those tails!! Got damn what a beautiful mess!
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Thanks Smidge mine doesn't look like that yet. Pix around 12:00am est.

Like always, I'm playing catch up here. This thread always slips through the crack for me.

But let me share a coondog story. My BIL breeds Redbone coonhounds. He slipped up and let his best bitch get covered by a neighbor's white English bulldog. Sister named the pups Red Bulls, and they sold as good or better than the Redbones. They kept one for themselves. He was out training it one night with the bitch. They got after a coon and covered a couple miles. He couldn't keep up and decided to come back and look for them in the morning. Well, they got to the highway and the bitch was ran over and killed, and the pup was no where to be found. They did the whole Face Book search, knocked on doors, posted flyers and the like. Well someone knew who had picked up the pup and told Sister. It was a church group who were spending the day on the river. She was at that church the next Sunday and ask around. They told her the dog had been taken to Tampa, but she got the name and number of the folks who had her. {we are in NW Florida, about 5-6 hours from Tampa} They had already had the dog to the vet for shots and put in a chip. They did not want to give the dog back, but Sister can be something of a bulldog herself. She kept saying over and over, "but it's my dog." Long story short, they agreed to give the dog back. One of my Tampa cousins picked her up and now she is back home. That was one long hunting trip. Sister did promise them choice of litter from the pup when they bred her. Thank God they hadn't had her fixed.

The pup didn't act too happy to be home until she heard my BIL talking. Then she ran all over the house peeing on herself. He did say he wouldn't be going home from hunting without a dog anymore.

Now back to your regular programming.
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