Doc's Dank Seeds


Well-Known Member
Back to the dank at hand:)

I have started pulling a bunch of cuts that I am going to flower and seed and be done with. I also started segregating the new moms. Cherry pie, BCK, 91 Chem, Grape og, hells og, Rum Bayou 17, GG4, woody og, sour tangie , socal master, gods gift, sour d, tress sister and I am forgetting a couple are staying
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Well-Known Member
Coon Dog = 2010 dog kush x 98 Blue Moonshine

I have to say this really blows my mind that in 2016 and an election year no less that this is what we as a society choose to argue over. @WORF yo man I mean no offence all I thought was dog and moonshine and bam you get coondog. for the record that shit is no joke a puppy from a champion will hit you for like 5k and a trained one can get stupid high. Oh and blacks love to coon hunt too man it has nothing at all to do with the color of anyone's skin. I my self am mostly German, French and Indian but my last name is British and we can track our family back to 6 brothers that came here together. There even is a national family reunion. My brother in law is Mexican and one of the finest men I have ever known. The dude my sister was with before him was white and a fucking waist of oxygen same as the Mexican cat before him. I wouldn't piss on ether of them if they were on fire but there again it has nothing to do with the color of there skin. I am an outlaw from outside Memphis, grew up in Atlanta, when around the world back to the ATL. then after two bad years of meth addiction I hit bottom got clean 6 months later moved to Louisiana. the only times I really felt racism was in Kosovo and LA. when we were on our way out here my family came out from ATL and saw us off same time as Mardi Gras. After taking my niece and nephew to a parade john came to me a said in his whole life that was the first time he felt racism. racism is based on stupidity and is ugly, but now days if I dislike a person of any other ethnicity then it oh will your just racist. No I just don't fuck like some people get over it everyone. anyway I am high and rambling but point is I have been in hoods my black friends wont go to. I have never had a problem one because I treat people with the respect the disserve till you don't disserve it then well fuck you. I don't talk all slang I just am who I am and that has all was gotten me by just fine. Really though all over a name of a strain that only has like 4 packs left not in collections already and will not be remade

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Go Tigers Go!