Doc's Dank Seeds

Ok, let's try this again. It's not in a link but I copied the recipe in my notes last March. Here ya go:

"How to make the "medicine"

This is a written step by step on how i make my infused coconut oil. I call it "medicine" its gnarly stuff but if very effective for pain etc..

Whats needed:
-First you need a crockpot with a low and High setting. I use a smaller one. I think it is around 4quarts or so.
-enough buds, trim, duff etc.. to fill the crock pot to the very top with material. It is best if it is broken up really good and is of fairly good quality. I also try to use as many different strains as possible in it.
-24oz coconut oil. if you can only fill the crockpot half full use 120z of oil instead.
-Water to add to crock
-potato ricer
-mesh strainer
-large picther
-some spoons
-some jars

Extraction process:
-break up all material into smaller pieces no bigger than fingertip size
-Put all the material into crockpot. Should be full to the brim and squished but packed in so there are no air pockets.
-turn crock on high and pour all the oil over it.
-add water till all the material is wet and covered. will probably be to the brim

--cook for approximately 4-7 days. Add water as needed to keep hydrated. you can let it get all the way to it looks like there is no excess water and then fill back up. I cook on high most of the time but do turn it to low if it sputtering too much and making a mess. That is how you know to turn it down. :-)

--The material should noticeably be broken down by the end of cooking. You will notice a significant change in how it looks. mostly everything will be very fine and very done.

The Squeeze
-once its cooked unplug your crock and get setup to squeeze. I lay out a bowl next to the crock to squeeze into. and use a spoon for scooping in and out of the potato ricer.
-load the potato ricer but not too much. Squeeze all you can get out and repeat till all of the oil and water is in the bowl and the crock is empty.
-save the squeezed material for a second run (takes two used first runs to make a second run at a later date)
now put the mesh strainer over the pitcher and pour your liquid through the strainer and into the pitcher. It should have removed a majority of fine particles left from the squeeze.
-put the pitcher with the infused oil and water in the fridge to separate.

The Wash:
-Once it has separated in the fridge pull your puck of oil off the top and run it under some cold water to get an waste you can off and throw the water away.
-put the puck in new water in a pot on the stove and heat till the oil is melted in the water. S
-stir furiously till water becomes discolored.
-Put back in pitcher into fridge to separate again.
-do this process over and over (usually about 3-4 times) till the water does not discolor after being stired. Its now clean and that is the last time in the fridge.

The Finish:
-take the puck of oil off the water. This time if there is still some debris on the bottom of the puck cut it off with a knife till the puck is only butter. Save what you cut off to put in cookies or something. :-)
-dry the puck with paper towels really good to keep it cold as it melts to the touch Work fast!
-put the puck in a sauce pan with high sides and a lid that can let seam escape.
-Cook just the oil in the saucepan on low. It will sputter and spit and sound angry. We are getting the water out so this stuff has true shelf life. You know it is ready when the oil goes completely quiet.
-While cooking you can use a candy thermometer if you want and make sure it doesn't get over 240dg. If you cook on low it will not get that hot though.
-once it is ready and water free pour into canning jars and cap. let cool enough in the open so you can touch them and then move to fridge and then freezer for long term storage.

Thats it. Thats how I make it. Hopefully this helps.

@fumble @nuggs

Much love to you all up there! take care."
Ok, let's try this again. It's not in a link but I copied the recipe in my notes last March. Here ya go:

"How to make the "medicine"

This is a written step by step on how i make my infused coconut oil. I call it "medicine" its gnarly stuff but if very effective for pain etc..

Whats needed:
-First you need a crockpot with a low and High setting. I use a smaller one. I think it is around 4quarts or so.
-enough buds, trim, duff etc.. to fill the crock pot to the very top with material. It is best if it is broken up really good and is of fairly good quality. I also try to use as many different strains as possible in it.
-24oz coconut oil. if you can only fill the crockpot half full use 120z of oil instead.
-Water to add to crock
-potato ricer
-mesh strainer
-large picther
-some spoons
-some jars

Extraction process:
-break up all material into smaller pieces no bigger than fingertip size
-Put all the material into crockpot. Should be full to the brim and squished but packed in so there are no air pockets.
-turn crock on high and pour all the oil over it.
-add water till all the material is wet and covered. will probably be to the brim

--cook for approximately 4-7 days. Add water as needed to keep hydrated. you can let it get all the way to it looks like there is no excess water and then fill back up. I cook on high most of the time but do turn it to low if it sputtering too much and making a mess. That is how you know to turn it down. :-)

--The material should noticeably be broken down by the end of cooking. You will notice a significant change in how it looks. mostly everything will be very fine and very done.

The Squeeze
-once its cooked unplug your crock and get setup to squeeze. I lay out a bowl next to the crock to squeeze into. and use a spoon for scooping in and out of the potato ricer.
-load the potato ricer but not too much. Squeeze all you can get out and repeat till all of the oil and water is in the bowl and the crock is empty.
-save the squeezed material for a second run (takes two used first runs to make a second run at a later date)
now put the mesh strainer over the pitcher and pour your liquid through the strainer and into the pitcher. It should have removed a majority of fine particles left from the squeeze.
-put the pitcher with the infused oil and water in the fridge to separate.

The Wash:
-Once it has separated in the fridge pull your puck of oil off the top and run it under some cold water to get an waste you can off and throw the water away.
-put the puck in new water in a pot on the stove and heat till the oil is melted in the water. S
-stir furiously till water becomes discolored.
-Put back in pitcher into fridge to separate again.
-do this process over and over (usually about 3-4 times) till the water does not discolor after being stired. Its now clean and that is the last time in the fridge.

The Finish:
-take the puck of oil off the water. This time if there is still some debris on the bottom of the puck cut it off with a knife till the puck is only butter. Save what you cut off to put in cookies or something. :-)
-dry the puck with paper towels really good to keep it cold as it melts to the touch Work fast!
-put the puck in a sauce pan with high sides and a lid that can let seam escape.
-Cook just the oil in the saucepan on low. It will sputter and spit and sound angry. We are getting the water out so this stuff has true shelf life. You know it is ready when the oil goes completely quiet.
-While cooking you can use a candy thermometer if you want and make sure it doesn't get over 240dg. If you cook on low it will not get that hot though.
-once it is ready and water free pour into canning jars and cap. let cool enough in the open so you can touch them and then move to fridge and then freezer for long term storage.

Thats it. Thats how I make it. Hopefully this helps.

@fumble @nuggs

Much love to you all up there! take care."
Thanks for sharing that recipe @Smidge34 . with a good quality oil, what do you recommend as a beginning dose for a heavy smoker as myself who doesnt dab? i also have an aunt with stage 3 cancer who smokes but not as heavily as i do, she is on chemo and id like to help her as well, what dosage would you recommend for her? Is this exclusively a cooking oil?
sorry for the bombardment of questions but to have someone as credible as you share this recipe is exciting so i have to try it lol
thanks again
Hey guys the Oldman's back and opiate free for the first time in 12 years
getting the rooms fixed after my short absence.
Going to drop the CP x Dr. Who tomorrow.
Tenn. Hog and Cheese still going barely but they'll fatten up now I'm back.

That is Awesome I am so glad for you Brother! Doc looking sharp with those new teeth, i cant wait to get some too.
I use crumpled andes mint chunks, just sprinkle a few on the top while they are cooling, totally masks any flavor but dessert(always dark chocolate brownie mix)
Nice Ill make a note of that. I had to get away from eddibles for awhile due to too heavy a keif taste, but i may have been trying to make them wrong i duno, everything tasted like straight hash lol it was too much for my stomach, but the canna caps with rso in them do good with my guts so I went to those till I ran out.
@oldman60 The doseing I saw was a heaping spoon full three times a day. Far warning that is a lot but if you do it right it doesnt decarb and if not you will get the green feaver like i saw nuggs do testing a new batch. also i think the full plant extracts like this have more medical properties from what i have learned talking to patents.
@moondance kief is tricky to use when making edibles due to the very small particle size. Make sure you're straining your butter very very thoroughly after cooking. I'm talking multiple layers of cheese cloths not a metal strainer. Also check the bottom of the butter when it separates from the water and hardens and scrape off any residual crap you find. I use Betty Crocker fudge brownie mix specifically because it calls for more butter (2/3 cup vs typically 1/3-1/2) yet I've never tasted anything... Except that one time I used the cannabutter to butter the bottom of the pan, yeah don't do that lol.
@oldman60 The doseing I saw was a heaping spoon full three times a day. Far warning that is a lot but if you do it right it doesnt decarb and if not you will get the green feaver like i saw nuggs do testing a new batch. also i think the full plant extracts like this have more medical properties from what i have learned talking to patents.
So you want it to decarb or not when making the oil?
@moondance kief is tricky to use when making edibles due to the very small particle size. Make sure you're straining your butter very very thoroughly after cooking. I'm talking multiple layers of cheese cloths not a metal strainer. Also check the bottom of the butter when it separates from the water and hardens and scrape off any residual crap you find. I use Betty Crocker fudge brownie mix specifically because it calls for more butter (2/3 cup vs typically 1/3-1/2) yet I've never tasted anything... Except that one time I used the cannabutter to butter the bottom of the pan, yeah don't do that lol.
I was only straining once through the cheescloth for starters so thats one, yeah there were particles that I scrapped in too if I remeber correctly thinking I had to get every bit. The eddibles were a great alternative for when I was out of the house all day in meetings and needed to not smell ganja ish but still get my pain relieved. Thank you very much all the notes are in my book now.