doc greenthumb iran haze and iran diesel 45 nlat

Well done man! Mine aren't even close to looking like that but I am at lat 49. I sure prey they continue to grow out like yours. Just awesome!
Beautiful. A mate of mine sent me a picture of his Iranian Haze plants. Two of them completely blocked out the garage he had them behind and are in and drying now
Great looking plants! I've been thinking about running these. Do you know what your night time humidity gets to? I'm at 45th lat, but it gets cool and wet every night, I need something that can dry back out in the day and not turn to mold and of course finish before the rain.

it has to get 100% RH every night..the diesels are doing pretty good but being hazes there is more room for air circulation

the season has been kind.."the rains" can start in August"..its more the "petre dish fog" that scares me

these are not babied or way out in the open like a garden[i wish]

they are so representing haze strucrure and to have em i full flower is a blessing
Nice, that's what I wanted to hear. I'm with you on the fog, every night and some days it doesn't burn off. Just as bad as rain, IMO. Cool days and no sun means they stop maturing and that gives time for the mold to set in. I'm running some OG/Iranian and even though the early pheno would have finished first week of september, it still molded out with absolutely no rain hitting the buds. I think that sativa bud structure does help resist mold, those indicas have solid dense colas and just hold in that moisture. Already planning next years..... Did you get any indica leaning phenos?
yes maybe a pheno less hazy looking and shorter and bit earlier

i did iran og a few yrs was the most portent outdoor i ever had..i loved it!

the buds got tight and bigger than og. we lost a fair bit to mould but still had a great crop..well after we cut off all the