
A few months ago one of my close friends came to me with an extremly cheap large quanity of hits that he called "mescalin"
After researching i found out that mescalin is impossible to put onto paper hits. But the way all of the people i was giving it to described it came back positive on DOB

This shit was extremly potent and was just cruious if anyone else ever came across this same particular substance?
Yes I have, a friend of mine got a few sheets of Alex Greys suppose to be real cid, but this had a taste and was sooo fucking strong. I hate when shits fake but it was still good.
Main thing you need to know about Dob is the trip duration is 18 to 30 hours. Take one Saturday night you'll still be tripping Monday morning. For that reason alone misrepresenting this stuff as acid is a really douchebag thing to do.
Really? 18-30 friggin' hours? Even when I was a teenager. Age 19 mind you. And wreckin' it hard. I would have refused it. Only If there was absolutely nothing else around. But then... Ya. I would have done it regardless. What am I thinkin'? At least 2 or 3 though. At once. But Mr. Shemp is correct. Even back then. If someone had told me it was cid and I would have done my usual 3 or more. And tripped for such a long time. I would have been pissed. Especially since I was working security at the time. I went to work tripping once and hated every second of it. DOB would have sucked big balls for me. 18-30 hours. Blah.
One more thing, it's a vasoconstrictor which means it makes your blood vessels get smaller. If you take too much you might feel like a elephant is sitting on your chest while your hands and feet get cold from lack of blood. A normal dose in a healthy individual won't hurt anything. But a large dose in a person with other cardiac or circulatory problems could result in something bad happening.
I didn't trip for that long, more like 12 or so but I guess it could have been a smaller dose. It wore off once I managed to get to sleep. My boy took a 6 strip of em and didn't even trip that long from it.
One more thing, it's a vasoconstrictor which means it makes your blood vessels get smaller. If you take too much you might feel like a elephant is sitting on your chest while your hands and feet get cold from lack of blood. A normal dose in a healthy individual won't hurt anything. But a large dose in a person with other cardiac or circulatory problems could result in something bad happening.

Great. Just friggin' great. Not only would I be tripping for way too long. I wouldn't be able to move around like when I was tripping on cid. Thanks alot Mr. dealer man. What next? Sell me some Datura extract and tell me it's mesc? That would blow huge chunks.
Main thing you need to know about Dob is the trip duration is 18 to 30 hours. Take one Saturday night you'll still be tripping Monday morning. For that reason alone misrepresenting this stuff as acid is a really douchebag thing to do.

Indeed it is such an intense psycadellic if you actually get your hands on the real shit it's an anfetamine aswell so you speed face while tripping.. Recommend to everyone trying it once I was selling it and after I took it once I never played with it again. Cool to know other people out there have had the same shit.
In the age of the internet very few substances remain esoteric.
The practice of selling RCs on blotter really gets to me. The dose response curve of LSD is very different from the various PEAs that are potent enough to be payed on blotter. I'm really surprised there haven't been fatalities given the number of people who do multiple tabs at a time. The therapeutic ratio of LSD is massive, not so much for DOx or NBOMes or bromodragonfly. In general tryptamines are much safer in large doses than phenethylamines.
doubt it was dob more likely doc or doi all the same family tho all long lasting and very powerfull compounds. very dangerous to market as cid. 2 or 3 will kick your ass and can make for very shit very long 24hrs but not bad compound by any means very good if you know thats what you taking and what to expect
In the age of the internet very few substances remain esoteric.
The practice of selling RCs on blotter really gets to me. The dose response curve of LSD is very different from the various PEAs that are potent enough to be payed on blotter. I'm really surprised there haven't been fatalities given the number of people who do multiple tabs at a time. The therapeutic ratio of LSD is massive, not so much for DOx or NBOMes or bromodragonfly. In general tryptamines are much safer in large doses than phenethylamines.

i wouldnt go that far do to much 4acodmt and your be praying to the toilet you only took to much nbome the dox are wicked tho
i wouldnt go that far do to much 4acodmt and your be praying to the toilet you only took to much nbome the dox are wicked tho
I've known people who've done doses of psilocybin in excess of 100mg. Yeah they got sick and couldn't always handle the experience, but they lived and didn't even need a trip to the hospital. Try taking 4x a strong dose of any PEA and see if the same is true.
100mg 4-aco bullshit or iit was junk 10mg infussed made me puke like never b4 for hrs. 20mg line 25c nbome mislabled mxe walk in the park. and i have done up to 10 mg of dox nothing ill but mad crazy esp mixed with mxe and mdpv
10mg of 4-OR-DMT is a pretty light dose.
The fact is that tryptamines have MUCH higher therapeutic ratios than phenethylamines. Look at the LD50s that have been tested. Look at the reports of overdoses and fatalities from RCs. All of them have been from PEAs because they do things like cause vasoconstriction.