Do your parents use marijuana?

Do your parents use marijuana?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 48.1%
  • No

    Votes: 39 49.4%
  • I am not sure

    Votes: 2 2.5%

  • Total voters

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
lol im sure.....i got kicked out of the house and me n my buddies would go into other ppls houses and sheds...find anything interesting(usually only lookin for cigs and shit)...then go smoke behind the school lol....


Well-Known Member
lol im sure.....i got kicked out of the house and me n my buddies would go into other ppls houses and sheds...find anything interesting...then go smoke behind the school lol....
lol well lets see, we explored an abandoned lot, got our asses beat. Or my sister got handcuffed to Mantha, the other 6 year old, and mantha's cousin threw the key into the abandoned lot...


Well-Known Member
Yes my parents puff. They are cool. They were against me doing it before I was 18, I did anyways, then once I got to legal age they knew they couldn't say shit and embraced it. They've always been the "go ahead touch the stove, see what happens" kind of parents.


Well-Known Member
Back in the 80's my mom found my stash and smoked one of my joints to herself. I found out years later that she did this. She didn't like it too much. When asking her questions about it I found out that she smoked it while watching "Midnight Express" and totally bummed out. I thought that was pretty funny.


New Member
My old man smokes more than anyone I know...

He has grown commercially both indoor and outdoor for close to 25 years, he is the one who introduced me to the hobby.

He's been a great influence lol

Michael Sparks

Active Member
As far as I know my father smokes, my mother I am unaware or does but is in denial about smoking... I was introduced to marijuana by friends around the age of eleven or twelve, I was a wild child thrown into this society..


Well-Known Member
My dad and his brothers were the pot heads when they were young. My mom only smoked it a few times.
But now they don't. My dad doesn't care if I smoke as long as I don't get caught or don't talk about it. My mom is just anti-pot.
I tell them their views hold no logic because they drink beer alot but are against weed.


New Member
my parents are against it, but they don't really do anything about me doing it. They took my bongs and shit every once and a while, but I usually get them back. My extended family is full of growers and smokers. They even go out picking for wild shrooms together.


Well-Known Member
How come I can't vote?...My mom still tokes on occassion, my weed blows her away.I smoke with my older kids ( over 18 ) but I smoked with them around 16, they always had good grades and knew I smoked so, fuckit.
My dad is probable smokin cock somewhere with a couple more up his ass and a line waiting for more.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Me mam's a vicar by trade and me pop a very very high pedigree lawyer. Even tobacco mortifies them, but after about 5 years of hour long debates and discussions, my mother accepts it, and my father also, although he refuses to acknowledge anything due to not wanting to i any way compromise his career. But the short tory is that they're both absolutely fed up with the government and would each love to see me grow my own to smoke so as not to depend and propogate a black market, because black markets means prostitutes or somehting. So yeah, they want nowt more than for me to be able to grow, little do they know i do it in one of their flats and have done for years. Or maybe they do know, no wonder they are o happy to fly me across the pond


Well-Known Member
my dad used to then he was addicted to coke for a while, now hes soberr for 3 years and still says marijuana is a gateway drug haha i have to walk away when he sayis something about weed, i just want to push him down and yell at him lol.


Well-Known Member
Nah neither of mine smoke.

My father used to smoke a lot but he quit when he started his own business like 30 years ago.

Michael Sparks

Active Member
my parents are against it, but they don't really do anything about me doing it. They took my bongs and shit every once and a while, but I usually get them back. My extended family is full of growers and smokers. They even go out picking for wild shrooms together.
that sounds like a great family activity.


Well-Known Member
I grew up in the 60s. My mom did find about an oz of weed once. When I said, "but ma, I paid $15 for that!" she actually gave it back to me lol
And, I found out a couple years ago that for the last 2 years of her life she smoked a joint almost every night which my sister gave her. It was medicinal, my mom had cancer.
So, I guess I should have answered yes but I didn't.


Well-Known Member
My Mother has exactly one spliff everynight whilst lying in bed watching tv to help her sleep. She would never smoke at any other time.
My Father smokes a fair bit during the day aswell as at night. Also, they don't like weed, only ever smoke Pollen. Funny timing actually, last night for the 1st time i can ever remember my Dad had absolutely nothing, my Mam was panicking cause she was worried about sleeping. LOL. I had to give them some green, they both dislike it but it knocked them the fuck out :)
I often smoke joints with my Dad.