Well-Known Member
All I'm saying is if they act like they want doesn't mean its good for them, its like feeding your dog grapes, grapes are bad for dogs.
Its my opinion on it but the animal cant speak so don't get it fucked up!
Hahahaha man if you had seen the kind of shit my dogs have chewed up and ingested into their bodies, you might understand.
Literally anything, if it's not made of medal, they will chew that shit up.
Mostly the Pitt bull, but like your parents used to say "guilty by association" unless I Catch one of them in the act, they both take the blame for it.
And I get a 50 lb bag of dog food for 22$, I'm sure it's got all kinds of plastics and horse bodies and bones in it.
Considering that, Natural weed may not be the worst thing for them lol, maybe they should be considered privileged dogs.
I don't feel bad for giving it to them, is not like I force it anyway.
They go out of their way to get it haha
stay smokin'