Do you think?

Do you think anyones ever had to go to the hospital for mistakenly putting crazy glue into their eyes, thinking it was just regular eye drops? I bet.......I bet
a guy i used to work with told me once that his little sister glued her eye shut because she accidentally grabbed the glue for her fake nails and used it on her fake eyelashes instead of the eyelash glue...just thought the story might fit in here lol
Do you think anyones ever had to go to the hospital for mistakenly putting crazy glue into their eyes, thinking it was just regular eye drops? I bet.......I bet
A very long time ago I was tripping on bennadryl and had one of those real little paint cans cuz i had been trying to finish painting the trim in my room, but i got really really thirsty so i went in the kitchen and got a can of soda and just went back to the room and opened the can and took a drink and set it right next to the can of paint. next time i tried/went to take a drink I ended up w/a mouthful of paint. So yeah, I'm sure someone must of done it b4, lots of people probally. people can be kind of dumb. lol
my cuz sunko smokes a cig backward he lit it that way then was like "I brought this on my self" and smoked the whole thing backwards
my cuz sunko smokes a cig backward he lit it that way then was like "I brought this on my self" and smoked the whole thing backwards
hows that even possible? lol, filters dont like to stay lit, I've accidently done it a few times(who smokes who hasnt lit a cig backwards?) and :spew: