Do you think the Dem party should move more right, left or stay the same to win future elections?

Should Democrats move right, left, or stay the same?

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Would you vote for the Democratic candidate even if you viewed their policies to be worse than the Republican candidate?
LOL. This is not even remotely possible at the time. I'd answer that if there were a viable example of one.

I wouldn't vote for the pre-assassination attempt version of George Wallace if he were running today. FWIW
So far, nearly 90% of respondents say move left. Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the entire country and in most mainstream circles, he's labeled a 'far-left liberal' or even a 'radical'.. So what exactly is 'radical' about the policy positions he espouses if most Americans support them?

Single-payer healthcare, universal college, paid maternity leave and vacation time, raising the minimum wage to a living wage, investing in science, medicine, education and infrastructure.. what is radical about any of this? Getting out of offensive wars and nation building, distancing ourselves from the catalyst of Islamic extremism in America; Israel. What's radical about that? Being fiscally conservative when it comes to the military industrial complex and enforcing drug policy, again, what is radical about that?

Someone care to explain?
So far, nearly 90% of respondents say move left. Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the entire country and in most mainstream circles, he's labeled a 'far-left liberal' or even a 'radical'.. So what exactly is 'radical' about the policy positions he espouses if most Americans support them?

Single-payer healthcare, universal college, paid maternity leave and vacation time, raising the minimum wage to a living wage, investing in science, medicine, education and infrastructure.. what is radical about any of this? Getting out of offensive wars and nation building, distancing ourselves from the catalyst of Islamic extremism in America; Israel. What's radical about that? Being fiscally conservative when it comes to the military industrial complex and enforcing drug policy, again, what is radical about that?

Someone care to explain?
Happy to;
First, look at who is calling Mr Sanders a radical. Yep, right wing radicals.

Second, why would they do that? To distract from themselves and call attention to someone else, least people figure out who's actually behaving in ways that depart radically from the mainstream of American political history.

Third, the right wing has an agenda on America. Push the country as far into the arms of fascists as possible while calling everyone else a radical. Even Mrs Clinton.

Up until the Chumpster Fuhrer was elected- a radical leader if there ever was one, it was working amazingly well. Now the mask is slipping and the average American is seriously questioning what they're being told. All in all, a good thing.
It needs to be left but not to the point of being the freedom caucus corollary, it must sometimes still accept the good over perfect. We must do so with strenghth and conviction and message not with the pure political antics and party wins over all else ways of the radical right just in opposite position. Basically be liberal as hell all while always being the adult in the room.
Basically be liberal as hell all while always being the adult in the room.
Tell that to moderates. I'm unwilling to compromise on accepting bribes or reforming campaign finance. This is a staple of progressivism. To bend or fold on it is to accept corporate control over the party and dismiss the working-class voters as worthless. You take bribes, kiss my vote goodbye. Call that a "purity test" all you want [Democratic establishment shills], we'll beat them without bribes and be beholden to American voters. Moderates better buckle up.
It needs to be left but not to the point of being the freedom caucus corollary, it must sometimes still accept the good over perfect. We must do so with strenghth and conviction and message not with the pure political antics and party wins over all else ways of the radical right just in opposite position. Basically be liberal as hell all while always being the adult in the room.

this is a good summary of where I'd like the Democratic party to move to and quickly. Democratic party "to be left but not to the point of" unwilling to compromise. Well said

this is a good summary of where I'd like the Democratic party to move to and quickly. Democratic party "to be left but not to the point of" unwilling to compromise. Well said
You just bitched about Republican policy positions always being wrong, so what do you believe Democrats should compromise with moderates and conservatives on?
Do you guys really need ANOTHER echo chamber?

Just because people want the party to shift to the left doesn't mean they'll vote hard left...

The false equivalency is stunning.

"Most popular politician in the country" I find rings hollow when you put it beside "lost the primaries by ALOT of votes" (And that's amongst Democrats)

Hillary only lost because of an arcane system of gerrymandering to appease food producing states, not because of some fundamental policy flaw.
Do you guys really need ANOTHER echo chamber?

Just because people want the party to shift to the left doesn't mean they'll vote hard left...

The false equivalency is stunning.

"Most popular politician in the country" I find rings hollow when you put it beside "lost the primaries by ALOT of votes" (And that's amongst Democrats)

Hillary only lost because of an arcane system of gerrymandering to appease food producing states, not because of some fundamental policy flaw.

let's not forget the thousands of paid foreign propagandists operating heavily in the same three states that cost her the election.

probably just a coincidence, no need to have an investigation about it or anything.
Just because people want the party to shift to the left doesn't mean they'll vote hard left...
People want the party to shift left, but they won't vote left?

You're not making sense..

"Most popular politician in the country" I find rings hollow when you put it beside "lost the primaries by ALOT of votes" (And that's amongst Democrats)
Are you saying you don't believe the poll?
Hillary only lost because of an arcane system of gerrymandering to appease food producing states, not because of some fundamental policy flaw.
Then you voted that the Democratic party should just keep doing what they've been doing, right?
let's not forget the thousands of paid foreign propagandists operating heavily in the same three states that cost her the election.

probably just a coincidence, no need to have an investigation about it or anything.
What about Correct the Record? The organization hired by the Clinton campaign to obstruct the Sanders campaign

It only matters when it's your candidate, right?