Do you think my plant is ready for flowering?

oh you could not make the effort trying to understand what I was saying . Bad luck for ya! But problably, this English you also can't (wont) understand. Thats up to you, the world has more than 200 languages and I speak a part of them, I guess you are capable to express yourself in just one tongue or in the best case two. Your choice , dude . TC .
What the actual fuck? Does this dude have special needs? Or just an angry german?
Because I wanna be at least somewhat of an expert before it i

Because I wanna have general knowledge before I waste my money and fuck up a plant.

Hell yea dude, nothing wrong with practice, also nothing wrong with trying everything out as well. Take note from people and then mess around. I don't mean go crazy on a plant, more like try listing one, then top the next, do your own trials and errors. I have fun with it, and wouldn't worry about being an expert that'll take forever.
with that lightsource , it is defintly ready to start the bloom
it will grow at least for two more weeks and will strecht a bit during that proces

So basically what your saying is that I have enough lighting to go into bloom? Because I was gonna add another light and that would be 4total giving off 8600 lumines. I have about 4800 lumines on it now. I read that the average is 10000 you need in order to get the most out of the plant.
Yea just look for the nuts on males and the hairs on fems, I'm assuming you have that notion already. I wouldn't toss a plant until you see the male parts either. A female can stretch and be stringy if she is reaching for the light also. Always check the parts just in case.

Yea I don't see any sacks.
The more light the merrier, although there is to much light. When I used CFLs I had 12@43 Watts each in a box I custom built that was about 2' x 2'.
Because I waste my money and fuck up a plant.

I thought you had more plants waiting to go into flower?

You are wasting your money buying reg seeds when you have no intention on breeding them... your pulling plants cause they "look" male, without true confirmation, that my friend is wasting money.
Awesome job, with the plant in photo #1! No purple to speak of! And did you VERIFY that it were a male? never throw themout until you know for sure... if you pay attn to it daily there'sno danger, they haveto sprout their sexy parts for a while before they can impregnate your girls, so keep em around til they show! And even then, cut off the pollen sacs and save them for breeding later when you get reealll good at all this stuff! Keep posting pics, would love to see your hardware, no matter what it is! Keep going Buddy!

Unfortunately I threw the plant away. I assumed that it was male because it didn't really have that many nodes and the branching wasn't that complex like the plant I have now. I wanna get good at it so I can grow for med stores and help people that really need this plant. I'll post a pic of how I got it set up later.

Ya know??
oh you could not make the effort trying to understand what I was saying . Bad luck for ya! But problably, this English you also can't (wont) understand. Thats up to you, the world has more than 200 languages and I speak a part of them, I guess you are capable to express yourself in just one tongue or in the best case two. Your choice , dude . TC .

I know what you said and bruh if you not tryna help why waste your time being negative. You know your on a cannabis thread and not one person here cares that you can speak all these different languages. I think you in the wrong website bro.
Hell yea dude, nothing wrong with practice, also nothing wrong with trying everything out as well. Take note from people and then mess around. I don't mean go crazy on a plant, more like try listing one, then top the next, do your own trials and errors. I have fun with it, and wouldn't worry about being an expert that'll take forever.

Yea I feel you bro. Just wanna know a little more about gardening in general because before I started growing I didn't even know plants needed nutrients or any of that until I started.
I thought you had more plants waiting to go into flower?

You are wasting your money buying reg seeds when you have no intention on breeding them... your pulling plants cause they "look" male, without true confirmation, that my friend is wasting money.

I just had 2 plants and got rid of 1 so now I have 1. I wouldn't waste my money on buying a bag seed bro lmao. I just so happened to have some very good purple mid grade that had a few seeds in it. But I'd never buy a bag seed to many people I know just will give em to me for free.
So I don't need the CFL then? It's 150 watt 2800 lumines.

Not sure what you mean, or if i was confusing.
Are you using a 43 watt CFL equivalent to 150 watt incandescent, or a 150 CFL?

The 43 watt CFLs I used are 150 watt equivalent and I used 12 of those in one hood for a single plant.
Oh wait my bad, didn't you say you used an LED? If that is the case I'm not positive, although my CFLs had 2800 lumens as well...