Do you think my plant is getting sun burned??


So we moved this plant from indoors about 1.5 weeks ago and have been keeping it in the greenhouse. My husband believes that maybe its leaves may have touched one of the greenhouse walls but not sure. What is wrong with it. This is our first time growing, any help would be greatly appreciated. The plant is from seed (Hindu shark strain) in FF soil, pH of water is ~6. Also in the 3rrd picture are some blister looking things on some of the leaves, what is this??? Thank you :)



Well-Known Member
keep it in semi shade if possible, i tried putting a plant from indoors into direct sun and all the top leaves went like that, i can only assume it was the sun.


Well-Known Member
your fine! Fresh growth will appear yellow until mature. Looks healthy! Some spots will be from leaves touching in wind. Natural! FF soil should have plenty till week 3 or 4 then supplement. I would add cal/mag to the mix. Its one of the "cant hurt" additives
Beautiful ladies btw!

start ppms low, say 150 and work up


Well-Known Member
Yes, that's just the plant getting acclamated to the beautiful feeling of the sun. Nice girl you have growing, well done.


bud bootlegger
i agree with your hubby, it looks like it got a bit burnt, maybe touching the walls like he said, but it's not a big deal, just try and avoid it from happening in the future again is all..
otherwise it looks great.. :D


Well-Known Member
looks good; they get muffed up outdoors, but cannabis likes it rough :) my concern is your pot size. pot-up to a 20 gallon tote, imo. its a long season outdoors.