Do you think it would be good to switch from MH to HPS 1/2 way through the veg?

1st timer. Have 3 females vegging. 1 week in. Do you think it would be good to switch from MH to HPS 1/2 way through the veg? I am using a 400w digital ballast, that runs both. I read that plants like both spectrums of light, so was wondering if this would help, no effect,...etc.. I am growing in soil. Thanks

Kevin K

Well-Known Member
I'm still not a pro at growing but what I have researched use MH for vegging and HPS for flowering because that's what the flowers wants. MH can provide the blue spectrum for vegging and the HPS can provide the red for flowering, I know you can veg and flower under mh or hps but switching 1/2 way in, i don't think will make a significant difference, save it for the flowering stage.


Active Member
Vegging is best under MH. Put them under the HPS when you switch over to 12/12. That's a good setup. You'll be happy you chose HID and the digital ballast where you can switch over the bulbs at whim. Good luck.