Do you think GH pH down loses it's potency?


Active Member
I have a crappy meter but it seems that it takes more to get a gallon of water into the 6.0 range. Over time do you think it loses it's potency?
I have never heard of this, but my bottles don't last more than a few months before being used up.

How old is the bottle? When did you last calibrate your meter?
dam thats crazy. the ph up (blue stuff i think) seems dilluted to me. when i use the orange stuff i only use literally like 3 drops for a few galllons and still bring it too far down sometimes.
One gallon of tap water here (and it is pretty clean water) comes out at 7.0. It usually takes six drops of pH down to get it to 6.3.

I'm thinking about buying a Hanna pH meter. Maybe it's just the crappy meter I got at the house plant store... lol
Yeah, I have had the same thing happen. Don't know why but sometimes it seems it does lose its potency.
I'm thinking heat is not good for it cause it lasts longer in the winter.

Actually I switched to baking soda and vintager a few grows back. Got tired of buying it.
Ph down would tend to lose its potency a bit faster than Ph up...IMO...acids react to moisture in any form it's exposed to...that reaction cost something....revealing itself in loss of potency....
I certainly don't blame anyone for going to baking soda and accidental spill with those are no prob....but go spilling Ph down (or UP) have yourself a problem if not contained quickly.....