Do you take your phone when visiting your grow?

"They're" more interested in collecting data and selling it for commercial use. Once connected to the internet tho', there isn't really much "privacy". Ordinary peeps are more prone to hacking your shit for scamming and whatnot.
no on my andriod i have a selection to turn on gps location or not
Yes, and upon turning on Google location services it tells explicitly tells you that location collection may occur even when apps are not running. This was never hidden from people, this is not some shamwow revelation. Turning GPS on and off is a different thing. I'm simply stating that Google tell you they track your location when you turn location services on.
KEY word there is when u turn it on.. keep it off an problem solved
Who cares if Google knows where you are and what you're doing. They won't arrest you. There is way too much going on in the world for anybody to waste their time trying to track down growers. You're on this website. They could pull your ip address and pinpoint your location anyways. The government is going after real threats. Not wasting their time watching over 250+ million phone locations. Let's get real here. Do you only pay in cash for everything you buy grow related? Do you look up all your marijuana stuff in a TOR browser so Google doesn't store your data? Do you look for cops sitting outside hydroponics stores waiting to follow people home? They could easily hang out and stereo type anybody going in and out of hydro shops. O what's that? College kid walking out of a hydro shop loading up a 12 bucket dwc system and a few 1000watters, hmm, he must like growing tomatoes alot??? Like I stated earlier in this thread, if they wanted you, they'd have you.