Do You Remember Your First......


Well-Known Member
do you remember your first bong and or pipe was it an expenceive one or glass or what mine was a little pruple bong about 6 in tall and i got it 4 and a 1/2 years and still use it to this day
yeahh my first pipe was a small glass sherlock. my first bong was a 2 ft acrylic that i got from a friend that looked horrible but hit like a champ.
first bong was a shitty bottle one haha.
about to buy an acrylic bubble bong from everyonedoesit though so that'll be my first real bong


Active Member
besides home made ones... id say... crap... let me think... i bought a hash pipe in gr.10... my buddy has it now... im out of highschool now tho. for 1 year. first bong... also gr.10 lol... acrylic.. about a foot tall.. was fucking sick... then the same friend broke it... after i broke the bowl.

buut id like to say this tho... my brother.. who is 5 years older then me.. got a bong in gr.10-11. and i have it now... and ive been out of high school for a year... so.. do the math.. thats alot of years to have 1 bong. plastic...


Well-Known Member
Wow my first bong wasn't really a bong at all. It was a hookah/bubbler/bong, that I made in 7th grade. I still have it at my mas house I think it's still in the same place where I hid it. If I find it I'll take pics, It's really cool actually.
Edit: My first actual bong was my friends old one that he gave me after I took all his money in black jack (I gave back the money but kept the bong). It was a nice one to, really thick glass, red with blue squiggles on it, a grip, and it was about 10 inches long. Last year I dropped it out of a tree and it just shattered.


Active Member
First thing I smoked out of was when I was like 13 - it was a homemade water bottle bong with a thimble for a bowl and a bic pen for a downstem. I remember sneaking out of the house and hiding from cars in the blackberry bushes smoking with my buddies. First actual piece of paraphernalia I had was in 7th grade when I was given a pink and silver metal pipe with the widened hollow middle chamber for putting a little bud into to get hella resin-covered (remember doing that when you were in junior high? lol). Anyway, one day my best friend's Mom found it under his pillow in a paper bag along with like an ounce of weed and he told her it was his and totally took the fall for me because I was the only good student out of all my friends and it would've broken my Mom's heart ;) Years later she actually gave him back the exact paper bag, and inside of it was an empty zip-loc with the pink pipe and a note that said how disappointed she was and that she knew the whole time we were lying and that the weed was mine, but was waiting for a confession and an apology!

He is still my best friend to this day...and I still have the pipe :)