Do you remember the First Time?


Well-Known Member
Can you recall the very first time you got stoned,

Its been a few years now, nearly 17 years to be exact.
My first time was when I was at boarding school and a dude bought some shit back from break with him, I remember it being just leaf, and it wasn't even dried, anyways he rolled a spliff and I remember it being a bitch to burn, but for a Virgin it got me high, I remember going back to my cubicle and laying there just staring at the ceiling too paranoid to be seen, but about two hours later it was dinner time, and I had major munchies and ate enough food for about five people,
ah those were the days

the widowman

Well-Known Member
there was black hash around at the time someone got me to roll a joint, (as i was rooling rollups) and thats all i can remember (very stoned) :eyesmoke:


Active Member
hahahaha, very nice

i remember my first time

it was out of a homemade bowl, it was kazoo, at a party....goood, good times. dont know if i got high or not because i was drunk..but its all good


Well-Known Member
I remember my first time, and im sorry to say it was a horrible experience. I was stoned out of my mind, couldnt see straight, couldnt walk straight and definitely couldnt think straight. It was so intense i kept blacking out.

But on the other hand i can still look back to that day and find some things funny. For one i was totally paranoid, i remember thinking that if the cops came by, i was in a skatepark, then to just hop the fence and run into the woods. I also remember thinking my parents were at the skatepark and were spying on me from across the skatepark trying to decide if i was high, i remember i waved at this couple like 3 times thinking they were my parents.

Now i smoke every so often, but i almost always tense up and im afraid of that one situation. But all in all, i htink im coming around and i like it all a little more. I'm still not a big stoner, but im beginning to come around.



Well-Known Member
no i honestly dont, my parents smoked in front of me since i can remember... so its like always been around, no big deal really... i got a few kids high for their first time and my friend scotty mann... i smoke like 4 bowls ina row with this kid and he said he wasnt high, i was bAKED how could this be??? anyone ever heard that b4?

OG Greenthumb

Active Member
Ahhh yes, The first time. It was about twenty years ago now, but I remember it like it was yesterday. My mother and father had devorced and to keep the bills paid my father grew to help supliment the income. Being a smoker himself he allways kept about a pound stashed in the freezer for himself. One day during summer vacation I stumbled upon his stash while looking for something to eat. Not knowing the difference between rolling papers and regular paper back then I took some computer paper from the dot mattrix printer we had. Cut the paper into rolling paper size pieces. Curled them with a bic pen, put the weed inside and lit it with some paper matches. Man did I get stonned, I'll never forget it.

I love you dad.


Well-Known Member
One word, SHITTY!

I was 17, my friends had made it their mission to get me stoned after hearing that I had never smoked before. After school, we went to this kids house and smoke 4 bowls out of a small plastic bong. I hadn't noticed any feeling untill the fourth bowl. It hit like a ton of bricks. I couldn't hold a thought for any amount of time. I decided to hit up the trampalene in this kids backyard. I think I jump once or twice and then I blacked out on the trampalene. My friends woke me, we drove to another house, I blacked out in the back of my car. My friends woke me up again and this time I made an effort to drive home. I felt like I had been driving for hours when I had only driven halfway down the street. I pulled over and blacked out again. When I woke up it was dark outside, I continued to feel odd and disoriented for two fuckin' days! I swore I'd never smoke again.... I lie a lot.


Active Member
Oh ya I remember my first time. Some may have been paranoid about getting caught by the cops but we almost did. I was with my step-brother and a friend of ours. We had to walk at night to our friends grandmas house cuz thats where his pot was, then behind her house is a huge lot where our city stores sand for the roads in the winter, so we climbed up one of these 40 foot tall sand piles and began to cheech out of this cheep metal piece. We got so fried we decided to roll down the hills for an amount of time I don't even remember. After which, we started walking back to my dad's house, as soon as we came around the pile there was a car about 100yds away one the other side of some railroad tracks. We walked for a little while then a spot light was right on us, so of course we took off running. Not really positive that it was a cop cuz we didn't stick around to find out. We got back home and just sat out on deck and chilled. That was the one and only time I have ever encountered a cop while stoned, hopefully I'm not jinxing myself.


Well-Known Member
Man i think i was around 13 or so but that was over 20yr ago, and i barley remember what i did last week...It would be kind of nice to remember that.


Master of Mayhem
My first time I was like 14 and me and my buddy were riding around in his truck blazing. I didn't actually get high, but the cottonmouth was unbelievable. I kept asking him "Dude.....why is my mouth so fucking dry?"


Well-Known Member
My 1st time I was bout 14 12 years ago.Anyway my cous found like a nickle or so under my dad's van.It was kinda funny cuz he had just got back from church.We waited till that night and went up on top of the garage.We made a bong out a milk jug.I've never coughed so much in my life,I even got sick but man was I baked.I got the worst case of cotton mouth and munchies,I ate and drank everything not 2 mention smoked like 2 packs of butts.I guess god sent us back a stash from heaven or something lol
Hell for 2 years after I was always lookin under that damn van for some bud,especially after my dad got back from church.


Well-Known Member
I got stoned for the first time right befoure the gym class, I've smoked befoure , but that time was the first time I got really baked...First came the uncontrolible laughter as me and 2 friends glanced at eachother douring warmup, than we had to run around the gym, I got so into it that I forgot to turn and ran head first into the wall, more uncontrolible laughter...We werent really woried about getting in trouble cos the crew I hang out with were allways on the shitlist anyway, and everybody knew that some of us got high, so it wasn't a big deal, we did it almost dayly since then, douring recess.


Well-Known Member
My 1st time I was bout 14 12 years ago.Anyway my cous found like a nickle or so under my dad's van.It was kinda funny cuz he had just got back from church.We waited till that night and went up on top of the garage.We made a bong out a milk jug.I've never coughed so much in my life,I even got sick but man was I baked.I got the worst case of cotton mouth and munchies,I ate and drank everything not 2 mention smoked like 2 packs of butts.I guess god sent us back a stash from heaven or something lol
Hell for 2 years after I was always lookin under that damn van for some bud,especially after my dad got back from church.
Did you ever find any after that time?


Cyphe City

Active Member
i rememeber , i was pretty high ,i was wit my girlfrend at the time , i was a frshman she was a junoir , so we copped it , wen to her crib , rolled it and i like a curious Fu** smoked it and got realllly* high and had to go home like 5 mins after we smoked , my mom new it , wasnt soo pissed but neways the paranoia was killing me at the moment


Well-Known Member
mine was after work when i was 17 and i got soo ripped i went home and it was difficult to even hold a fork


Active Member
Fist time I smoke was when I was 16 smoke a bid ass blunt and a couple hits from the bong had the munchies, laughing for every little thing, lose of memory, paranoid, and couldn't concentrate lol it was the best. Then the next day he brought like half a blunt to school smoked in the bathroom after that I was paranoid as hell cause I thought the teachers would smell it


Well-Known Member
Sadly, I only vaguely remember the first time. But I do recall I smoked the ganj before I ever even smoked tobacco. I was thirteen, and for some reason, I had just recently opened up to the possibility of smoking anything. I remember we were hanging around the library, and we smoked those little pop horoscopes in the plastic tubes you find in the supermarket. Don't ask me why we decided to try this. I still am baffled by that to this day.

My friend's family were all stoners of Portrugese descent emigrating from California earlier that year. The worst kind of stoners, as well. Dysfunctional, trashy, aggressive, and stupid. Well, when we returned to his house, there were no cigarettes to try, and I wasn't about to smoke their old, disgusting butts. His brother Josh was smoking a joint, and smoke was filling the room. I tried a few hits, but I don't recall it doing too much to me. I remember being in an altered state, but obviously it didn't have much of a lasting effect, because I didn't want to try it again for a number of months, when I started hearing reports about its effects from my other friends.

The second and third time though. Ooooh boy. Being horribly confused, laughing at every normal thing, and even being so messed up on a few occasions that movement made me vomit. It was rare, but it did happen to me a handful of times. Most of the time though, I thoroughly enjoyed it. But I was usually so stoned I could barely tell what was going on around me. I remember a few times where there were distinct visuals (such as vibrant colours, brightened lights, and trails), and distinct audio hallucinations, such as a Smashing Pumpkins song that played so perfectly in my head I swore it was on the radio.

But mostly, I had very powerful moments where I would retreat into my head, and my imagination went wild. That's what I loved about it, and that's what I love about it to this day. Though it is nothing like in those innocent days of youth.

I don't smoke now, but to be perfectly honest, when I smoked up until recently, I still had pretty powerful effects. Not nearly like I did when I first began to blaze, but my tolerance has rarely, if ever, been that significant. I always attributed it to those prolonged periods when I didn't smoke, but even those times I smoked on a very regular basis, it always got to me to some extent. And for that, I'm thankful.



Active Member
Yes! Ahh...the first time is special for everyone.

I was with all of my friends and we had probably the smallest amount of weed I have ever seen. We passed around some random bowl and smoked on a picnic table. I am not sure I realized I was high until the day after. After the session, I just kept on laughing and laughing and laughing.



Active Member
1st time I smoked, my eyes got blood red and I got a bit lethargic. In retrospect, it was probably just really garbage weed.

2nd time I got BLAZED... my sense of time was thrown way off, a 10 minute walk felt like at least an hour. Its actually one of the few highs I remember so distinctly. I was fine until I got home, the paranoia!!!! My eyes easily red though (basically look like I'm randomly stoned), so I got away with it (i think? lol)... I was 12, or so.

Was a great experience, but not much smoking till after highschool.