Do you REALLY know who your dealing with??

That's alot of money to be running around with. You should check out big buyers and check out there crop before you bring any cash. Get the money after it's been weighed and quality checked. If you don't feel comfortable do it in sections instead of one sale. Use a salesperson.
Years ago when I was stupid enough to do such things, I was selling a bag on the street to some random dude. Dude wanted to check out the bag before buying, so I gave it up and he started acting weird then bolted. I ran after him down the street at night, and he turned the corner. I remember thinking "fuck, dude might have like 4 friends around that corner waiting for me", so I stopped short. I lost $35 that day, but that was all. Didn't get stabbed or shot. That was the last time I did any deal with strangers.
No doubt... Stupidity usually yields bad results in most aspects of life in general...
silly countrys with silly gun laws,, madness,,and yes in the uk here we do have the blacks trying to sell anyone anything,but we dont have the gun and meth issues u lot do in the tsates and in australie,
at the end of the day the dude agreed to go out into a quiet location with to strangers with 100k im sorry but to me thats rather stupid,,corret it should never have happened but this is the life we choose,SO U WANNA BE A CRIMINAL? hmmhmm hopefully sum1 reading this will take note and not make the wrong decision
Completely agree unohu69... Well said... That is good, sound info for a new gun buyer/carrier... Go with whatz the best fit and has the best ease of use for yourself... I am not a fan of shoulder holsters, myself... I like my "western"-style gun belt for exposed carry with my 6.5" barreled, 7-shot .357... I like that look, and the extra leather ties for the lower thigh, and the bullet loops for extra ammo... But, for concealed, this would not be at all what to get oneself...
You really need to try out holsters before your buy. shoulder holsters are a pain to deal with, and vary rarely are they really "concealed"

Go with a good "ITWB" In The Waist Band holster, like a Crossbreed. pricey, but worth it.