Really sir? I beg to differ..
Urine is extremely toxic; and smells terrible. The salts in urine do not all magically get flushed down that drain you know.
The only nastier that has touched that floor is my ex-girlfriends sister..
Sr. Verde.. what do YOU do in your shower that is "nastier" than pissing. (err; nvm.. not even gonna go there).
Nothing but it all goes down the drain bro

salts are dissolved into the water, and the urine is sterile..
I've washed some nasty shit off my body in the shower, and rinsed and cleaned my bong in there a few times... so nasty bong water and dirt/grime touches my floor and I consider that way worse than urine
If I came and used your shower, and peed in it, I doubt youd know the difference