do you oppose drug testing


Active Member
Here is a way to get back. If you have a group of friends the more the better take it you do not need a job or do not want to work at where your going to fail a piss test. Go apply for the job in order one after another use fictious places where you worked most places do not check beleive me make it sound good for your job your appling for. When they keep getting people that fail it cost money and they cannot release this info so you are saying :finger: you to drug testing and when they call and tell you failed argue with them and tell them you do not use drugs. I have failed 32 off them so :finger: there system some payed for me to retake it the idiots. What started me doing this was because i failed when i was clean over 3 months one time when i was working out eveyday. They failed me because i had to much water in my piss they swore i dipped in the toilet but they had blue dye there. If you drink 3 gallons of water a day your piss will look like water. JUST SAY :finger: THE SYSTEM and have some fun.